Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Recipe time...how about a Paleo gravy?

While I was preparing the food for the "Paleo for the Holidays" cooking class last week, I realized that I hadn't planned on making a gravy! Yikes! Big mistake, BIG! All Thanksgiving feasts need gravy. So I got busy REAL QUICK to come up with a gravy that would be tasty and also Paleo and possibly Whole30.

I am thrilled to say, it worked! Thank goodness.So here it is...sorry no pictures because I wasn't thinking after the panic set in! LOL

1T ghee or other fat (bacon fat would be good!)
1 onion-chopped
2 cloves garlic-minced
2 oz prosciutto-chopped
8 oz crimini mushrooms-sliced
2 T-coconut flour
3 cups broth (use what you can from turkey dripping first and then supplement with broth if necessary, I use Imagine brand)
roasted vegetable from bottom of turkey (not what you use inside the bird but on the outside)

Heat butter in saute pan at medium heat. Add onions and garlic and saute until onions are translucent, stirring often so that they don't burn. (Note:if garlic gets brown it will taste bitter, so stirring and medium heat is important). Add prosciutto and mushrooms and saute for another 4-5 minutes. Then sprinkle coconut flour over mixture and stir to coat. Once fully coated and a cook for a minute, slowly whisk in broth. Making sure that you whisk well before adding more to avoid lumps.

You will notice the gravy will thicken as you simmer and whisk but if you need to add more flour do it 2 teaspoons at a time, whisking as you add. Simmer for about 8 minutes to let flavors blend. Turn off heat.

Put all vegetables from bottom of turkey pan as well as your prepared gravy into a blender or Cuisinart and puree. This will make for a gravy that has depth of flavor and has a thickness that isn't too runny or too thick. Salt and pepper to taste as necessary but make sure you taste first because the prosciutto adds a decent amount of salt on its own.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stuffed Chicken Breast & prep for my cooking class

Tomorrow is the Paleo Cooking for the Holidays at Canyon Crossfit and that means tonight is all about prep! But my family stills needs to eat and so do I! So I had to come up with something that was filling, easy and tasted yummy and this is what I came up with...

Stuffed Chicken Breast

Prepare chicken breast by laying on cutting board and covering w a piece of parchment paper and then using a rolling pin firmly pound the breast until it is about 1/4 inch thick. Next layer with 1 slice prosciutto, fresh spinach, sliced roasted red peppers (I like the Trader Joe's brand in the jar) & either green or kalamata olives. Then roll the breast towards you and secure it with 2 toothpicks. Finally, heat 3 T coconut oil in pan at medium high heat and place chicken in pan & sprinkle w Everyday Seasoning from Trader Joe's. Cover and cook for approximately 15 minutes. You should probably cut into the chicken after 15 minutes and if pink, continue cooking covered for another 5 minutes. Tonight I served it over fresh spinach because of time but it would be so good with spaghetti squash. You could also add a few sun dried tomato slices to the "stuffing" and if you wanted to get really fancy you can top with a fresh marinara or jarred variety that is paleo or Whole30 approved. Make extra to have for leftovers. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Chili Kind Of Weather-FINALLY!

For years I have been making this GREAT chili recipe that I got from a friend...19 years ago! It has become a tradition for me to make it on Halloween for our annual Halloween Party BUT it was not Paleo. So I took it upon myself to take my old recipe and research the possibilities and create this new one for all the enjoy!

It was debuted at the Intro Paleo Cooking Class at Canyon this past week and it was not a disappointment to anyone! Woohoo!

Heather’s Paleo Chili
Paleo (Can be Whole30 by omitting raw honey)

2 T Fat
3 lbs Chuck Roast
2 lbs Pork Shoulder or Steak
2 Red Peppers- chopped
2 Onions-Chopped
1 Pasilla or Anaheim Chili
10 Cloves Garlic-crushed
¼ cup Raw Honey
5 T Chili Powder
2 T Ground Cumin
1 T Oregano
2 T Basil
1 t Salt
2 T Pepper
1 Jar Herdez Salsa (I prefer hot)
2 Lrg Cans Crushed Tomatoes

Cube meat and trim excess fat, sprinkle w salt and pepper. In a large pot heat fat over medium-high heat, then add meat. Cook meat until fragrant and brown. Add peppers, onions & garlic. Saute until onions are translucent (about 5 minutes) and stir in honey, chili powder, cumin, oregano & basil. Continue to cook for 3-4 minutes and then deglaze pot by pouring in salsa and tomatoes. Stir until well combined and bring to a boil. Once at a boil, reduce heat and simmer at least 90 minutes to 3 hours.

In the Kitchen...

I am so EXCITED! Ok, I am also a tad nervous! I started a cooking class program at Canyon Crossfit where I have been working out at for the last 18 months! Woohoo!

For anyone that has followed this blog, you may remember that since January I changed my diet to a primarily Whole30 diet but also Paleo and in the process of learning how to shop clean, cook clean and eat clean I rediscovered my love for cooking. Along with that, I have become increasingly encouraged and challenged to learn more and the share that knowledge with other people. So, last month I met with the owners, Rick & Ray to explain my ideas and see if they were interested...they said "YES!"

Last week we hosted a free of charge Intro to Paleo class and had just over a dozen people come to check it out. I think it went well at least that was the feedback I got. :) LOL

Now it is full steam ahead...the first official class is this Thursday night...Paleo for the Holidays.  And tonight I am refining a few more of the recipes. I will let you know how it goes.

And if you have any thoughts on what I should include in future classes, I would like the input so I can make sure what I am making and teaching is relevant.

Monday, October 1, 2012

An anniversary I never thought I would celebrate until today!

First I need to warn you that this may be a lengthy blog but hang in there with me. And so that you know a little history in 1999 I explored a Gluten & Casein-free diet for my son Zach...in January of this year I began to eat Paleo & Whole30 and I am continuing to move my family in that direction. Paleo and Whole30 have proven benefits to people with ADHD, ADD as well as those with Aspergers and on the Autistic Spectrum.

Here it goes...

Today after an appointment in Santa Ana with a client and potential tenant I decided to take a moment to pop into a place called the Intervention Center for Early Childhood (ICEC) because I was literally right around the corner from there. Why? Well in 1999 that amazing place became Zach's "preschool" but it wasn't by choice like most preschools come about. I mentioned in a previous blog post that Zach required early intervention services because of some social & speech delays as well as some sensory issues.

I stopped in because I wanted to return to a place that taught me so much, encouraged me and prepared me for the future and more importantly gave Zach the jump start that he needed to overcome these issues. I wanted to go back and say THANKS. When I pulled up I had no idea if any of the same people would be there-the speech therapist, the occupational therapist, the Director, etc. And I also knew it had been a LONG time...1999, Zach was 2 1/2 years old...he is know 15 1/2 years old.

I walked in with a very different feeling then the first time back in 1999. That day I was scared, tentative and unsure of the future. Today I walked in smiling, eager and although I still don't know what the future holds (who does, right?), I was confident and excited for the future. I was greeted by a lady behind the reception desk and she asked me how she could help me. I smiled and told her that my son went here and received services a long time ago. Immediately she and the other 2 ladies at  their desks turned to hear more. I looked around and although it had changed some, it still looked so similar to how it did back then. They asked who my son was and I told them and shared how much I appreciated this place and all it did for us. How thankful I was for early intervention (a term I learned back then). One lady remembered Zach's name...Miss Nancy! Yep I remembered her too. They wanted to know how Zach was doing and their smiles grew bigger as I shared he was a Sophomore at El Dorado playing on the JV football team and in AP & Honors classes. I could tell they were pleased...I was THRILLED to share of his growth and also joke with them about how he still struggled with staying focused. We laughed...some things don't change. =)

So after some reminiscing, sharing school & football pics and many thank you's it was time to say good bye. My impromptu visit was perfect. I heard them telling each other how neat it was as I left and walked to my car...Still smiling! Then as I pulled away, I decided I wanted to bring Zach there around his 16th birthday...he has no memory of ICEC but knows from the stories I have shared, it was so valuable for him. Then the next thought hit me...I walked back through those doors almost 13 years to the DAY...Zach was first assessed in October 1999 and was there until he turned 3 in February 2000. He started "school" there a week before Halloween. It was our ANNIVERSARY month! I immediately teared up (yes, that is how I roll) and was encouraged by our journey. So proud of the young man that Zach is becoming and this is CRAZY but I was also thankful for the struggles we have today with follow thru with homework! Perspective!

Today I celebrated an anniversary...one that I never thought I would celebrate! YAY Zach! So happy to celebrate you! And thank you again ICEC and all the amazing people that worked with us-Celeste, Julie, Nancy, Kathy, Micki & Patti...it's your anniversary too!

Zach at ICEC
Zach's JV Football Pic
My Sophomore!

Friday, June 29, 2012

How will you celebrate?

I love, love, love celebrating things! I celebrate birthdays, holidays, people...I celebrate LIFE in general.

Last year (2011), my daughter Halle and I declared it the "Year of Celebration!" We declared this after a close friend's son relapsed with leukemia. Basically as I sat down my then almost 10 year old we talked about the importance of celebrating life, celebrating each day that God gives us...regardless! Easier said then done when you are faced with a crisis, right? We set out to celebrate something every month...most months come with a holiday so those were easy but then there were months that had nothing so we went searching via Google...one month we celebrated National Sweden Day (my husband's family is Swedish and after researching it we found out it was a socialist holiday, LOL).

Tomorrow I am CELEBRATING the last day of the 30 Day Burpee Challenge! Yes people we are done! And for those of you that don't know what I am talking about...the month of June, every day for 30 days, we committed to doing 100 burpees a day. We couldn't do extra to get ahead but if we fell behind we had to do what was necessary to catch up! And Saturday is the 30th day...3000 burpees under our belt. Woohoo!

So how will I celebrate? With a new challenge? With special food or maybe a special drink? Maybe celebrate by relaxing by my pool. Or will I high-five the people I work out with tomorrow and celebrate them? Honestly, I am thinking there will be a little bit of everything that I mentioned in my celebration. =) Including a happy dance so don't laugh at me when you see it, just join in the fun!

Friday, June 15, 2012

It's Friday...time for a recipe!

I  decided that after 6 months of enjoying this new lifestyle of eating paleo and in most cases Whole30 which is CLEAN eating, I would start to look at "regular" recipes that are out there and implement the changes necessary and see what I come up with! So if all goes well this will be a weekly addition to my blog =)
I have to admit...this is SUPER fun for me! I love to cook, I love to create things and I love sharing what I find and learn with people. And paleo eating is no different, so here we go! I was inspired by a recipe that was posted on the Williams-Sonoma Facebook page. It looked so fresh and yummy I made it the very next day.
Pineapple-Melon Summer Salsa
  • 1/2 small cantaloupe, about 1 1/4 lb., peeled, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch dice 
  • 1/2 small pineapple, about 1 lb., peeled, cored and cut into 1/2-inch dice 
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped 
  • 1/2 bell pepper, seeded and finely chopped 
  • 1 small cucumber, about 6 oz., peeled, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch dice 
  • 1/2 jalapeño chili, seeded and finely chopped  
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro  
  • 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice 
  • 2 Tbs. olive oil 
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste 
This can be served with shrimp, chicken, salmon your choice! I choose grilled shrimp seasoned w chili powder and served on a bed of fresh spinach. YUMMY!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why I am blogging again and why the crockpot...

About a week and a half ago Andrew asked me if I could help Canyon Crossfit but submitting blogs for the actual website. Obviously they are wanting to keep new content on the home page which I understand will help with their SEO...right? So, I figured why not. I will give it a try and see how people like it (if they do at all!) All that being said, this is a new thing for me because when I started this blog it was for the Perfomance Nutrition Challenge so I was blogging about my journey. THIS TIME I need to be more diverse with the topics. So.....PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR THOUGHTS & IDEAS! What do you like, what do you not like, what do you want to see. I am game and I will research whatever topics you mention and find the information to get it out there so we can all grow!

Now for the crockpot! LOL

We all have busy lives but there is hope when it comes to having great tasting, Paleo meals that are made with ease...USE YOUR CROCKPOT!

Honestly it is a lifesaver for me and the recipes I have found are not "Your mother's crockpot recipes!" =) I promise you will love them...some of my favorites come from http://www.paleomg.com/. Juli Bauer is CRAZY funny and her recipes have so much creativity and flavor. I have tried at least 8 of the recipes and they have all been a success. The Honey Ginger Apple Shredded Pork even impressed my mom and she went out and got the ingredients to make it that next week.

Another great resource that is Nom Nom Paleo. Her logo alone makes me want to try her recipes and for all you iPad people, she has an app now. Impressive, right?! The great thing about her is that she inspires me because she is a mom also...you know, kind of a kindred spirit. :) http://www.nomnompaleo.com/

Each week I look at what life has in store for me on the calendar and then I make the "food schedule" for the week. Ok, I admit I am WAY too organized when it comes to these sorts of things but I LOVE lists and I love to cross things off my list when it is done so my "food schedule" is just another list for me! Sorry...I am rambling. Anyway, I make my meal list and honestly usually 2 days are crockpot. The recipes always make enough for leftovers which become lunch and I walk into the house after a WOD at Canyon Crossfit and dinner is almost ready and the house smells YUMMY!

Give it a try and tell me what recipes are your favorites!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

What is the definition of a challenge?

Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. Some we create for ourselves and some just happen to us. Today is Day 2 of a challenge that we are taking on by choice...the 30 Day, 3,000 Burpee Challenge! Craziness...some may say yes, but those of us that agreed to push ourselves with this Challenge are likely to say differently when it is all said and done.

Each time we face a challenge it has the potential to be life changing. This is why we surround ourselves with people that support and encourage us. We realize that it is not meant to be taken on alone...this is why we are a part of a community and for this challenge it is the community called Canyon Crossfit. Together we say, "Bring it!"

Monday, April 16, 2012

"Paleo People"

Sounds like a Sci-Fi movie if you ask me but to some that is what we are...Paleo People! We are the perfect character in a good sci-fi movie or novel. You know what I am talking about...seen as odd, different, changing before your very eyes, things just start to "happen" to our stomachs like in the movie Aliens (except it happens to us after we eat something that we haven't had in weeks, months....). We cook coconut oil and ghee-the word ghee alone is ODD! You get the picture right?

Well, now that I have completed the 60 Day Performance Nutrition Experience, the decisions are up to  me as to what I eat daily. Honestly life and the way I am eating hasn't changed much...why? Because I LIKE THE FOOD & I LIKE THE WAY I FEEL! And, when I eat some (not all!) of the non-paleo food my stomach and body start to throw a tantrum inside me like a 2 year old that didn't get his way. Crazy! But seriously, I really...I mean REALLY like the food...we are eating so well. I am making new stuff all the time and today my daughter said, "Mom, I realized that healthy eating tastes good." Fantastic...now if we can just get her to embrace the fruits and veggies that go along with the meats! You can keep praying with me about this. =)

Tonight I made a new recipe from multiplydelicious.com! Oh my stars! Banana Cinnamon Bun Muffins...my house smells amazing and I can hardly wait to enjoy them in the morning with my coffee!!! So I guess what I am trying to say in all this is...being a seen as Paleo People works for me. And I think it works for my family and others that have come for dinner over the past several months (sometimes I don't even tell them the food is Paleo, shhhhh!). =)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The results are in but it's only the beginning...

Wrapping up the 1st Performance Nutrition Experience at Canyon Crossfit and it is time to reflect and sum it all up and of course, with the conclusion of any journey, it is also time to look to the future...

But first, the last 60 days! I titled this blog, "Healthy Living Can Be Fun and A Challenge Too, I meant it from the bottom of my heart...it is how I look at life...FUN & A CHALLENGE.

Nutrition started with Whole30...very "clean" eating that included food restrictions which eliminated all sugar, bread & grains, dairy, legumes, and processed stuff. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cooking and as I mentioned in a blog earlier, I had lost that part of me for several years. This experience has helped me find that again. But nutrition isn't only about cooking right? I realized that I needed to fully understand what the food does to my body...and my body has let me know! Ha...not only did my body welcome the clean eating, it RESENTED any time that something "unclean" slipped in!

Within a week of removing the suspicious foods and becoming a "clean eater", my skin cleared up, (TMI but my back, too) my tummy was not bloated (funny thing was, I didn't even know I was feeling bloated becasue that was the norm until it was gone and then I ate grains & dairy recently and it returned!), the puffiness under my eyes was gone (I didnt have to spend $100 on fancy eye cream-YAY), food tasted better, I didn't feel FULL after a meal but I ate PLENTY...my body was responding. So that sent me searching deeper...I found articles, blog sites, and other resources because I wanted to understand it so I could explain it to others. The sales person in me understands that there are features and benefits...people "buy" things based on the benefits but you need to be able to explain the features...oh the things that I learned from YEARS of sales training. =)

Now for my nutritional future...this is our new normal. I still have so much to learn and that excites me. And I hope that as the days, months and years progress, I can continue to make an impact in the lives of people. Give me a chance to share my story, my recipes, and what I have learned and by doing so, maybe I can inspire them to consider where they are in their own nutritional journey. My diet is FOREVER changed and I have never been more excited...it doesn't make me nervous it just makes me smile!

Performance prior to the 60 Days, I was committed to getting to Crossfit twice a week and if I made it three times I was THRILLED... with the other 4 days being left to a few chances to run because I had started to utilize the Crossfit Endurance training method for the half marathons I enjoy running. Hmmmm, well...honestly, this is where the Crossfit community hooked me during this experience! I immediately realized that 30+ of us were on this PNE ride together and although we would post encouragements on Facebook and a few people were blogging there was NOTHING like being at the "box" together and cheering each other on in person!

We had all set goals and it was SOOOO fun to be there to see everyone acheive them one by one. That being said, I adjusted my attendance goals as well, I made it a point to get to Canyon 3 days a week and if I made it there 4 times, YAY! For the past 60 days I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the 4 o'clock peeps during the week and the 8 AM crew on Saturdays. New friends and some people that I have known for years have helped me reach a new level of fitness.

And yet again, I found myself researching; this time it was movements online, and asking for additional direction from the coaches and friends. This was perfectly lived out with my goal to acheive a handstand push-up...I found a few YouTube videos and began to study the progression and practice it whenever I had an extra moment at the "box." Then one Saturday, I asked Denise to show me how she had done it recently (her first time also)...she did, then she told me to give it a shot..I tried and I DID IT! Woohoo! And I never looked back...that next week the WOD had SEVERAL rounds of them in it and I was TICKLED to be able to do it! I will never forget the feeling of having some of the people from the 5 o'clock class come in and see me mid-WOD and knowing my performance goal, they smiled and cheered me on! My performance was enhanced by the community at Crossfit.

As for the future...NEW GOALS of course! =) And so that they are out there for accountabilty they include mastering the double under (I busted out 2 consecutive the other day and was so freaking excited) and of course mastering the kipping pullup (I have barely complete 5 but still have more work to do there) and I might as well say it...I WANT TO DO A MUSCLE UP! The PNE has helped me to remember that goals are great, they only make you try harder and even when you fail, it doesn't matter there is always next time.

Love this quote...
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."
-Francis Chan

As I said when I started this little experience, I was not doing it to lose weight but to get healthier...on Saturday the scale said I was down 2 lbs. from the original weigh in and my body fat was down too. Don't worry peeps! I am EATING LOTS and I continue to only work out for an hour 3-4 days a week. =) I feel great!

FINALLY...Congrats to Lisa Aul Ick for winning the 1st Canyon Crossfit Performance Nutrition Challenge! She is truly an inspiration and I am proud to say that she is becoming a friend! YAY LISA!

Here are the pics...

 Before...                                                                    After...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Being in the kitchen and being a cheerleader...

I can't get over how much I am enjoying cooking AGAIN!

I absolutely LOVE it...I love researching the recipes, I love all the different flavors, I love how it looks on the plate and I LOVE knowing that it is clean and healthy. Sure, it takes more time and effort especially right now because I am "learning" the products and brands that we should eat but that gets easier every trip to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. 

I feel like I have found a part of me that had been misplaced! I have always enjoyed cooking BUT my cooking has become less creative and more focused on ease as well as pleasing the kids. This meant that I would cook the same 5 or 6 "go-to meals." Since the 60 Day PNE began, I have only made 3 or 4 recipes twice. Most of the recipes have been wonderful, the only reason I haven't duplicated that much is because I am enjoying the variety.This is similar to when I was first married and working at Williams-Sonoma...I loved having my own kitchen and found so much joy in making a meal. Those feelings are back! YAY!

I understand that this won't necessarily be the same feeling that everyone has...in fact, the cooking alone may be the single largest frustration for someone that would cause them to give-up on "clean eating" and nutrition. Another that is related, could be the assumption that it is too expensive to cook this way.
One encouragement...DON'T GIVE UP!

Why, you ask? Give it some time and if you are short on resources, ask! I would be more than happy to share the info that I have found. Did you know that there are literally 100's of websites/blog sites that are filled with recipes? There are! Did you know that many of them are written by college students or young adults that are on a limited budget? There are! Did you know that several of the sites are written by women that are Mom's, work either full or part time and have lives therefore don't want to spend ALL day in the kitchen? THERE ARE! And for the men that may be reading this, (I can't imagine there are more than 5 of you-haha) there are some sites written by men with recipes that will meet your masculine cooking needs as well. HA!

My favorite site, so far is www.paleOMG.com! Juli Bauer is hilarious (OK, she cusses like a sailor) and shares not only great recipes but shares her own struggles with food addictions, reactions and how this all fits into the real world. Let's face it...as with most anything, there is no ALWAYS & NEVER...life happens and let's make the most of it when we can. Her "Simple Blueberry Muffins" are SIMPLY YUMMY!Another site that has proven to be good is www.everydaypaleo.com. And just today, I found one called www.multiplydelicious.com (warning on this one, not ALL the recipes are paleo). Oh, and one more that I have tried and liked is www.theclothesmakethegirl.com.

Once again, my encouragement is DON'T GIVE UP! If you give it 60 days like I did, you may even surprise yourself...I know I did! And remember I am here to be a cheerleader for you if you want one. =) The way I see it, I wasn't a cheerleader in high school and always wanted to be one...now is my chance to cheer! And honestly, cheering for a high school football game would have been a BLAST but cheering for people to make a difference in their lives that would be AMAZING!

Night friends!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Whole30 & Paleo in the Big Easy isn't EASY!

Oh my goodness...New Orleans is not a place for a person that is in the midst of a Performance Nutrition Experience...LOL or working to embrace a new lifestyle, in my case Paleo. For over 40 days I have changed the way I eat, I have been trying new recipes and I have watched my body respond. It has been overall a GREAT thing. So this past Thursday I headed to New Orleans with a realistic understanding that 80/20 (80 % good for you and no more than 20% not good) would be the focus. I mean honestly, I had heard that the food in NOLA (New Orleans, LA-yes I am a geek and love to sound like I know what I am talking about by using abbreviated terms that locals use, LOL) was let's just say HEAVY but I was not at all prepared for what I encountered.

Arrived on Thursday and actually ordered and ate relatively well. Salad, etc and no Hurricanes ordered either. Same for Friday nite even while attending the Commercial Reception and celebrating receiving #5 office and my business partner, Jim receiving #5 producer in the nation....again, I made good choices and no cocktails. Heck, I was even able to visit Crossfit NOLA with a few other Crossfitters from C21 and had a GREAT workout that morning! AND WHILE THERE I DID MY FIRST PULL UP!! All good so far....then Saturday hit! And although it was't a true hurricane that came thru the city, it felt like one came thru my world! UGH!

After a long day at the convention center in sessions, working the C21 Commercial opportunity station, talking and networking with dozens of professionals and realizing that I had 2 of the ugliest blisters on my feet because I wear heels, I was DONE!! On the recommendation of several people we headed to a favorite spot for locals called Jacqi-mos for dinner with a group...after a 2 hour wait, yep 2 HOURS the hurricane of food gluttony began...alligator cheesecake w gravy appetizer, carpetbagger steak with collard greens and sweet potato mash was consumed. It was OK but honestly not great. The first wave of the hurricane didn't sustain too much damage but the next morning was brunch at Brennan's hosted by the President of our company...this is where the winds really picked up! I lacked discipline, I lacked self control but dang...IT WAS AMAZING! The best darn Bloody Mary I have EVER had! Seriously it was YUMMY! And then came the 3 course brunch-Appetizer: Fresh Strawberries w Double Cream, Eggs Ellen (Grilled filet of salmon topped with poached eggs and Hollandaise sauce) and then breakfast dessert, yes I said BREAKFAST DESSERT....Chocolate Pecan Pie!

No more ugly details are necessary just imagine the rest of the meals were New Orleans classics and ended with this...

Thankfully I can say that I only had one bite of the fries and somehow common sense came back and I determined it wasn't worth it. But the spicy hot dog sure was TASTY! AND I need to let say that my body revolted with every one of these foods and let me know with headaches, stomach cramps and bloating that it didn't like what I was doing to it!

So all things considered, I met New Orleans somewhat prepared but the harsh reality is that when you are in the "eye of the storm" you are going to get struck and the best thing you can do is hang on and then clean up the aftermath! Which I am doing now...back home, back to Sprouts, back to my kitchen, back to my favorite recipes on PaleOMG.com and back to the support system that I have at Canyon Crossfit with all of you! Thanks for "listening"...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Paleo, Crossfit & Oscar....is there a connection?

A super fun day...Sunday morning WOD with the peeps at Canyon Crossfit followed by a Paleo Brunch that my friends and I had planned to thank Ray, Rick & Andrew as well as the community of friends there that have been soooo GREAT!

The Tabata was followed by a brunch that would make Robb Wolf PROUD! All paleo and so very yummy...homemade salsa & guacamole with machaca & eggs, chorizo & eggs, omelets to order, sausage, sweet potato & apple hash, fresh fruit, coffee with coconut milk.....SO TASTY! We pretty much ran out of food but I don't think ANYONE went away hungry! We decorated and had kettle bell centerpieces to enhance the atmosphere! LOL A lot of FUN...Thank you Canyon Crossfit and all the Crossfitters for making working out SOOOO MUCH FUN...even when it HURTS!

Then for the Oscar party! A great way to spend the late afternoon & evening! =) I had to laugh when I realized that this morning the party/brunch was all about WOD gear, sweat & healthy eating...this evening was the perfect antithesis....glamour, BLING and cocktails! Our friends know how to host a WONDERFUL party...complete with a red carpet entrance and an ice sculpture of Oscar!

The connection you ask? As I was watching the Academy Awards a few came to mind...
  • Friends make the moments and memories that I cherish!
  • Crossfit is a place that dreams and goals come to life for people and I get choked up every year, when I hear people accept their Oscar and recall their dreams and goals that are NOW a reality!
  • Set your mind to something and work at it and you can make it happen. (So many people are achieving their goals at Canyon!)
  • It feels so good to be encouraged by your peers.
Night all...sweet dreams!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I have learned from Zachary...

Let me begin by saying that I talked to Zachary last week and asked him if it would be OK for me to share about him and some of his story thus far and he said, "Ya, no problem. I am fine with you writing about that." =)

When the Performance Nutrition Experience began, I made one of my goals to do a pull up. Coach Ray had taught me some drills to do to help me get the "kipping" movement learned and one day when I was practicing Alisha came by to help and encourage me. She told me to imagine someone was going to punch me in the gut. That would help me "respond" like I should. Funny but I immediately went to a day that I felt like someone literally "punched" me in my gut and how I responded.

September 1999, months of "Mommy-concerns" and testing brought us the news that no parent wants to hear, "Mr & Mrs Francine, we believe that Zachary is showing several characteristics that would place him on the Autistic Spectrum." PUNCH! It wasn't a total surprise actually, I had self-referred us to the Regional Center of OC after our pediatrician had dismissed my concerns and told me to put him in preschool and said that he was a boy and boys develop later socially. But, I knew in my gut that we had issues that needed to be addressed. This is when the learning began...and I will be honest and tell you that I continue to learn from Zachary today. =)

Zach was enrolled in an early intervention program called ICEC (Intervention Center for Early Childhood) that included speech & occupational therapy along with a focus on learning social skills in a preschool setting with "typical" kids as peer models. And I went into learning mode too...reading articles, books, calling on friends that had educational backgrounds that could provide direction. The learning gave me a sense of peace and also strength.

I could spend days telling you all the details but this is a Blog and it needs to be brief. The bottom line is that Zach immediately showed his strength and his ability to learn...he was pushed beyond his comfort zone and by doing so, he was growing. I learned that even as an adult, I need to allow others to push me beyond my comfort zone and I will grow too. We looked at Zach's diet and removed all gluten and casein to see if there were notable differences in his behavior and ability to learn and adapt. I learned that food affects the body and the brain. And I also learned that removing food can be difficult at first, it gets easier. AND I learned that a lot of people don't believe either of these things. Zach was learning about his body and becoming aware of his abilities. He was learning to re-train his brain to accept certain motions, touches, noises, etc. I learned that "can't" and "never" are unacceptable words and that everybody is capable of learning at any stage of life.

Today is Zachary's 15th birthday and he is an INCREDIBLE young man. Since that day in 1999, many things have changed...medical professionals have said the Autistic Spectrum is more broad and includes Autism (the most severe) all the way to ADD/ADHD (the most mild) under the same umbrella. Zach is my ADD boy. He is smart (Honors student), funny, friendly, loving, talkative (LOUD, too!), sensitive, thoughtful, gives good hugs and cares deeply. Together we continue to learn what works and what doesn't...meds, sleep, diet, exercise. I am thankful that God trusted me with this young man...I have learned so much from him and I have been blessed in the process.

So actually, maybe this is my second Performance Nutrition Experience! =) Still working on getting a pull up but I WILL DO IT and I have Zachary to thank for it!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running with gratitude...


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful
Gratitude is truly what I feel when I run. It is the emotion that I feel at just about any given time. I am grateful and thankful for so many things...
For my family-Sky, Zach & Halle...They are my CHEERLEADERS & make every day worth it!
For my Dad because he ran when I was young and eventually I thought, "Hey, I can do that too!"For Jesus...
For my Mom because she taught me to TRY!
For the REST of my family...EACH of you have impacted me & I take you with me each time I hit the road.
For the mere fact that I can!
For the scenery that I am enjoying wherever I run...
For the songs that come on my iPod
For my health
For the time to just let my thoughts & ideas happen as they may...
For my treasured friends-past & present...people inspire me!
For challenges...they make me stronger!
For memories...some that make me laugh, others that make me cry but ALL of them are what makes ME!
For yesterday, today & tomorrow...
Tomorrow is my 4th Half Marathon..this one is the Pasadena Rock N Roll...I am truly full of GRATITUDE!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Whole30 is complete...now for Whole9

First of all...I did weigh myself on Day 31 at Crossfit but the calibrator wasn't available to check my BMI. That being said, I will wait to get the complete results from the 1st half of the challenge before I report them. =)

Yes, the Whole30 is complete! What next? The Performance Nutrition Experience is 60 days, so for the rest of the PNE I will focus on what they refer to as Whole9. Funny thing is...I feel as if I have been doing that this entire time! I am able to begin reintroducing foods in a methodical fashion but I am waiting until after this Sunday to start because I am running the Pasadena Rock & Roll Half Marathon and don't want to mess up my system. More on "clean" eating and paleo in another post...so much to share here...

We are encouraged to consider 9 factors of life and to "triage" them so we know what we need to focus on in our life. Here are the 9 areas...

Stress Management
Active Recovery
Injury Rehab
Fun & Play
Personal Growth

I love the focus on the complete person! As I looked at the 9 areas I saw areas of strength and other areas where I can grow. =) So friends...hold me accountable to getting enough SLEEP! This will help with my TEMPERANCE as well as STRESS MANAGEMENT! Funny how all these things are connected! LOL I definitely believe that I need all 9 in my life and balance in each area is critical.

You have permission to ask me about these 3 areas and any other that you feel like I am neglecting. I love having all of you in my life and your insight and encouragement are GREAT!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 30 tomorrow? Really? What's next?

Tomorrow marks day 30 of the 60 day Performance Nutrition Experience! And I continue to learn so much and grow more committed to a style of eating that is in my opinion, a way of living that is better for me and better for my family. I continue to add to what I am preparing for Schuyler and I, to dinner for the kids and the reason I am doing it is because I believe in the "process" and I want them to embrace it in their time and not resent it. Because as I mentioned before and a blog that I read earlier today...it is about being healthy and health when it comes to food is also very mental.

So what is my plan for tomorrow...well honestly tomorrow is just another day. And the day after is too. =) And as far as what I am planning for the next 30 days of the PNE...this Sunday I am running the Inaugural Pasadena Rock N Roll Half Marathon so I won't be making any changes or additions to my diet until after that. I have been very "clean" these last 30 days and I don't want to mess with my system before the race. That being said, there will be no carbo-load the night before. Not a problem because I see a difference in my performance and have no doubt I will have a great run. I haven't ran as much as I have before to prepare so I will be interested to see if I run a time better than my PR at Long Beach Half Marathon which was just under 2:14.

Nutrition-I spent time last night and today reading different blogs that Andrew sent regarding "Life after Whole30 & Transitioning to Whole9" and I feel good about it. I think I am in a good place, not anxious to be off the strict diet but looking forward to integrating what I have learned and seeing what my body "tells" me when I re-introduce foods methodically. As to when that will start...not totally sure yet but I am sure I will let you know. =)

Performance-Of course the half marathon is almost here and I LOVE the run! I have enjoyed a few PR's at Crossfit these past 29 days and I have met one of my performance goals to learn the handstand
push-up...SO FUN! I will continue to work on the pull-up as another goal that I made for myself at the beginning. And as of this past Saturday, I added working on my overhead squat with a goal to hit 55# with solid form and technique!

Thanks for joining me on this journey...still enjoying it and so VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT & ENCOURAGEMENT!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Developing BALANCE in ALL areas...

For anyone that knows me well, you can attest that I am not one that is known for balance when it comes to coordination. I am a self proclaimed clutz and it has been confirmed with my actions over the years. I have been known to walk into walls, trip while walking & break my wrist or sprain an ankle. BUT...I won't let myself say "can't" or "won't"! Instead, I watch how something is done and then literally close my eyes and "see" myself doing it OVER and OVER again. And the funny thing is, I found out that you can actually "trick" your brain and body into thinking it actually did what you saw yourself doing in your brain...serious, its a fact! =) So that was my plan with the handstand and then the handstand push-up....see it and then do it! The handstand came a few weeks ago, the first handstand push-up kind of came last Saturday and today the WOD had them in it repeatedly! So....I DID IT! =) 27 of them total over the course of it and I am so HAPPY! Balance achieved!

Then there are the other areas of life...family, church and my relationship w God, time w/ friends, work, volunteering, maintaining a home, time alone, working out/running...the list is llllooonnnngggg! And achieving balance here can be challenging. Because closing your eyes is not typically going to make it all happen...in fact closing my eyes and seeing something that isn't real in these areas of life is actually denial! LOL Over the years, I have learned that I need to keep myself in check DAILY. Now in all honesty that doesn't mean that I am balanced. All that it means is that I am trying. =) Like everything in life, some days are easier than others and some days are better than others. I literally look at my week and try to adjust and plan; ask myself if there it too much in one area that is taking away from that goal.

You know the feeling....too much work and your workouts/running slip away....too much volunteering and your family & friends suffer...too much of ANYTHING and God just gets what is left. YIKES...how do I do it all? Because I want to...LOL! Honestly, I can't do it all everyday and I know that, so I just need to allow myself to make choices and allow myself grace.

I am thankful for the 2 WODS I was able to fit in this week, I am thankful for the Whole30 meals with the family all at the table, I am thankful for the calls, emails and quick connections with friends, I am thankful for the time alone in my car so I can sing and pray, I am thankful for the appointments, leases and contracts that all happened this week @ work, heck I am thankful for all the laundry I did...BALANCE ACHIEVED!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In My Daughter's Eyes...

Halle is my 10 year old daughter (she will be 11 in March). She is my youngest and for those that know Halle, you know she is actually a 20 year old trapped in a 10 year old body, right? =) In all seriousness, Halle has been described as a "old soul." She is a mini-me and from the time she was an infant, I knew this...it is something that I have embraced but because I know ME, it has also made me nervous at times. She looks like her Daddy but her personality is so me!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GIRL!

All that being said...being an example to her is important to me. As early as I can remember I have tried to NOT focus on food & weight with her...just healthy. She is a dancer (in fact she is doing a dance at her recital to the song "In My Daughter's Eyes" by Martina McBride...yep I tear up when I hear the song and see her dance), she is actually pretty athletic too. She likes Crossfit and will ask to come with me sometimes to even try a WOD. I think she "gets" that exercise & being active is important. This all sounds wonderful right? So far, so good but we know that health isn't just about exercise...it is about healthy eating too. And this is where the struggle lies...

As soon as Halle hit her "first adolescence" (this is what I heard the age from 2-4 yrs old called once and it makes so much sense to me!) she began to use food as her control. She is EXTREMELY picky eater and does not eat ANY fruit or veggies. NONE. She lives off of protein, cheese and various grains. Here is where I struggle feeling like I have failed...failed as a Mom. Remember how I said I never wanted food to be a battle? But that is what it is with her...a battle, when I engage. There have been tears, punishments, more tears....heck, there have been occasions when she gags on the fruit or veggies I insist she eats and well...then there is a mess to clean. = (  Poor lil thing!

The Performance Nutrition Experience is stretching me as a person, it continues to challenge me as an athlete and it is also working on me as a MOM! I still don't have the answers as to how to help Halle change her eating habits but I can only hope that as I continue to grow through this myself and as I share with her what I am learning just in conversation not preaching, that she will look at me and see a positive example. She is very interested in this and is SOOOOO encouraging! My own health is important, but the health of my children is important to me also...it effects my heart. I want them to be emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy.

I know my little girl looks up to me and looks to me for direction and affirmation...I hope I am setting an example for her in this journey that makes a positive impact on her health and her choices for life. =)

Oh and make no mistake...I am certain this is a GOOD thing for us all and I am SOOOOO happy with what is happening in my life as well as everyone else!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Friends+Accountability=SUPER Bowl!!!

Life has been so busy this past week and I have to admit I have missed "blogging" and just processing this experience.

Few things to report in the Performance Realm...PR'ed my 1 mile time and plan to do it again before the 60 days are over. Ran the 800 today and was pretty happy with that time too...nothing to PR until today so I am making it a goal to do better than the 3:33 that I did today. Worked on my handstand and my handstand push ups on Saturday with Denise and I think I pretty much got it, so now I want to perfect the movement and see what I can do as far as repetitions go. And then there is the pull up...still working on it and I definitely feel stronger and see the progress. :) The push up exercises that we were given is helping with my strength-I WILL GET THERE. :)

Ok, Sunday was Super Bowl and as my husband says, "It is a national holiday" and with all holidays comes FOOD...lots of it. And DRINKS...lots of them. So, like my title stated...I took friends and added accountability and that equalled a SUPER Bowl! Was it easy? In some ways yes, in some ways no. Did I make it through without cheating? YES MA' AM and YES SIR! Heck, I even made an appetizer that was a Whole30 "no-no" because the Host requested it...but I didn't have even a taste. Instead I enjoyed the Ceviche that I made, the Grilled Wings w Sunshine Sauce that Jim and Sari made along with Jim's yummy Guacamole with veggies for dipping and Tri-Tip Wrapped Asparagus prepared by Drew & Jen-ALL great and then thanks to Denise, I remembered to bring some Perrier and enjoyed it in a wine glass with a squeeze of lime and lemon. A success because of people....they encourage, they tease & taunt (if you are like me, this makes my resolve stronger), and they are just "there." Yes, it was a FUN day.

8 days left in the first 30 days (60 total) of what I refer to as "detox time" and although I am looking forward to a less strict dietary routine for the last 30, I can say without a doubt I am very happy with how I am feeling and have learned that I can continue to make choices daily that are healthier and some things may never come back into what I eat. Again, honesty is important in all this-I WILL DRINK WINE AGAIN! :) LOL

Before I say good night, I have to say again, how impressed I am with everybody that is doing this @ Canyon Crossfit. Funny, because some people I see on Facebook but have yet to meet at Crossfit! :) Can't wait to congratulate them in person at the celebration party when we are done.

My encouragement to everyone-stay focused on the goal-YOUR HEALTH! Sure, it is fun to possibly "win" but ultimately we are all winners because we have committed to making changes that we know are working to our benefit. YAY US!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 years ago tomorrow...

February 1, 2004 was Super Bowl XXXVIII but more importantly for me, it was the day that Nonnie (my Mom's Mom) left a body & mind that had been taken over by Alzheimer's Disease and within a moment was fully restored and whole in Heaven w Jesus.

 We had a pretty close relationship...I liked to go to her house and type letters on her typewriter to family and friends that lived "far away." I also learned a few cooking basics from her including how to make a GREAT pecan pie, fried chicken, ham & beans with cornbread and fresh sliced tomatoes w a little salt on them was a decent side dish. :) We shared a love for Little House on the Prairie and also enjoyed games shows like Wheel of Fortune and Family Feud (tried out for both together and made it on Family Feud which was a DREAM come true for her).

Like I mentioned before, there are a few people and their lives that have inspired me to look at my own health, nutrition and exercise these last 6 years and Nonnie was another one of those people. You see, when I look back at some of her lifestyle choices and habits I remember a woman that was pretty sedentary and never exercised. She used A LOT processed foods and Sweet n Low was a household staple. After meeting with a nutritionist 14+ years ago, the nutritionist pointed out that foods like that and others that were labeled "light" were actually in many ways WORSE then the real stuff. Why? Because the junk they had to add wasn't something your body knew how to process, so in order to process it, the body essentially wasn't able to fight other things going on-potentially increasing your chances of Alzheimer's, cancer, etc.

Now, did I change overnight? No...it has been a slow and steady process. Each step of the way, I could see the truth and the consistency in what I had learned and what life had shown me. Little by little, I started to exercise and removed things from my diet that are harmful and now I am taking it to another level...CLEAN eating and exercise as a part of life and both are fun.

I don't know if the disease Nonnie had or another one will "take me on" someday but I do know that armed with my Hope that is found in my Faith in Jesus as well as these lifestyle choices, I will certainly be stronger and more capable of the challenge.

So once again...thanks for "listening." I hope I haven't bored you too much but possibly given you a glimpse of what is going on with me through this experience. Yesterday I PR'ed my original 1 mile time at Canyon Crossfit...8:57 the first time I ran it BUT last night I ran it in 7:33! And I can honestly say that when I was running, I was thinking about this blog and running it for Nonnie! It was a good night and I will celebrate it for a long time!

Night friends...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Old friends and new friends...

One thing that continues to make me smile about Crossfit and this whole experience are the friends that I get to see...both old friends and new ones. I would have never guessed 15 years ago that I would be actually working out a gym with my friend Denise who I met at MOPS. Jeez, we met when our kids were infants and now they are in high school...Denise was always great at working out and making that part of her life BUT NOT ME! I admired her ability and dedication then and now I see firsthand that she is a STUD! For years we saw each other weekly and then life happened and our kids' schedules became our own...we became too busy to see each other but would always be friendly when we had a moment to catch up at church...thanks to Crossfit and this Challenge I get to not only see her but I am inspired by watching her and seeing her dedication. Along with Denise the friends that I have known longest include 2 members of my family- Sari and Jim. Although we don't get to see each other at the box much, it is fun when we do and I look forward to those moments and love that we have this thing that we do. In fact, it makes my kids want to know more about it and come when they can to experience a WOD. Then there are the friends that I have only known a few years that I LOVE seeing there also. You know those friends that you just click with?! When I see these friends at Crossfit I actually get a HUGE smile on my face because I enjoy them-seriously each time that Wendy and I are there at the same time, I literally jump w excitement. :) Its also a place and time that I get to connect w Jen once (now twice a week)...funny the connection time is just the 10 minute commute from her house to the box but I love it and look forward to it! And then there are the new friends...SO COOL! The DOZENS that I have met BECAUSE of Canyon Crossfit and I love getting to know each of them. All of us are at different levels of performace and all of us have lives and schedules that make your head spin but we are all in this Crossfit thing together and having so much fun (yes there is pain too) but mostly FUN. For those of you that haven't noticed I am a sentimental girl...everything I do resonates with my heart. The PNE is going well...I love the premise, I feel great and I can see the benefits to clean eating. As far as goals...I am feeling stronger and I closer to getting my kipping pull up and very possibly my handstand push up!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Restaurants LIE but I can't!

Yesterday was overall a really good day both personally & professionally and I was continuing to make good progress with the PNE...until dinner! UGH!

Before I get to the UGH a few things I learned...first of all, El Farlito in Placentia for lunch?! Seriously, was it possible to find something that was OK to eat? YES!!! I ordered the large shrimp cocktail for lunch with no ketchup and added fresh avocado! It was served with a fresh pico de gallo and it was so good! I asked about ingredients and it was OK! It arrived and it was AMAZING!

Our company had its Grand Opening Party that evening and Stefano's has a great veggie tray that I was able to enjoy and for the record, the rest was great too but I did NOT try anything, I just know from past experience. :) I was bummed that I wasn't going to be able to get to Crossfit that evening and I had plans with Sari tonight so 2 nights were going to be missed for a workout...bummer but I am still OK at this point...

THEN, we headed to Foxfire for a dinner with the President of the company and other top performers....seriously FOXFIRE? We were on Cougar Alert for sure and sadly there was only one sighting to brighten the evening. LOL So, again I asked the questions regarding food prep...do the steamed veggies have anything on them? No, she answered. Salad with oil & vinegar please (that part was easy) and then I settled on the fresh fish of the day (Ono) because they said it was grilled and served w fresh mango salsa on top and nothing else. Safe right? Well only if that as the truth. :(

The salad was fine but when the food finally arrived I looked at the suspicious glisten on the veggies and the fish was laying in some liquid as well. One bite of the veggies and the "fake" taste was obvious it was tossed in some CRAP after steaming and after scraping the fish and trying a few bites, I realized the meal was a MAJOR fail! :( AND I ATE SOME!!! So, I am fessing up bc bad things were eaten and SOME RESTAURANTS LIE but I won't. It tasted GROSS and thankfully I had the salad and only ate a few bites of the veggie & fish when I realized it was ALL BAD.

All that being said, I didn't fall off the wagon but I was tricked..I was bummed! :(

Today was a new day and I took control...STILL FUN and enjoying all the excitement, the recipes and the process for everyone at Canyon Crossfit. Each person is making a difference in their health that matters! Night friends...

Monday, January 23, 2012

One step closer to achieving a GOAL!!!

Today was a normal Monday and another day into the 60 Day Experience and getting through the 30 day detox! :)

I love Mondays because I get to go to Crossfit with my friend Jen...only an hour together but I look forward to the time to connect w my friend. So like a normal Monday we got there and did the WOD..."Diane"...first time taking her on and I already have an idea what I want to do next time to make it more challenging. Then before core, I headed over to the pull up bars to work on a "step" in learning the kipping pull up. Feeling OK about my progress there too.

THEN, it was core...handstand holds. "Ummm, Rick can you come get me into a handstand?" I asked. Well he wasn't going to have me not try to do it on my own and I tried to talk him out of it because quite frankly I was nervous and thought I would fall on my head. You see, I am not one that has ever been considered coordinated...in fact I broke my wrist almost 2 yrs ago tripping over my purse. After a little encouragement from Rick and my friend Jen, I decided to give it a shot. First attempt...didn't give it enough pop...fail! Second attempt...I WAS UP! Yay me! One step closer to doing a handstand push up!

Then dinner...Crock Pot Pork Carnitas & Caramelized Onions with Avocado w Fresh Salsa. I am loving all the pictures and the creativity that I am seeing from other people. :)

Talked w Coach Ray today about my meeting w a nutritionist several years ago and I think I will try to share what I learned all those years ago and have implemented over the years. It all rings true w common sense and it right in line with what we are all seeing and doing right now. It was an experience that I will never forget and I learned sooooo much from her.

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Something looks different...& a funny story!

This morning after church my Mom said, "Honey, your skin and make-up look good. Did you get some new stuff?" I responded, "Nope same make-up but I noticed the other day that my skin didn't seem as dry." "That's it!" She replied. After talking for a bit we discussed that the clean eating and the focus on water and also good fats was already making a difference in my normally dry skin. :) Seriously? I wasn't expecting that but, WOW! :)

It is clear to so many of us that the change in eating is making a difference. Our bodies are responding...and we will continue to see what happens. Even Schuyler (my husband) agreed to join me in the experience and although he is adamant that he isn't "hardcore" like me, he is adjusting too and has removed cream in his coffee but instead is using coconut milk. I read that if you put it in the fridge the heavier part of the milk will rise to the top for a "cream-like" addition to coffee. And because he was skeptical, he weighed himself and in less than a week (he started after me) he has lost 4 lbs.

Now here is the funny story...I ALWAYS have M & M's in a candy container that are seasonally colored. Well this is never a problem for me nor a temptation, I just have them as part of the seasonal decorations and they make me smile. Well, Schuyler told a friend that to him the M & M's are a temptation and I might as well leave the Victoria's Secret catalog by the side of the bed! LOL So funny...and for anyone that is wondering he said I could share that story! Maybe I need to change it up and fill it with raw almonds. :)

So much more to say and so much going thru my head but today was a full day and I was even able to get a 3 mile run in...Pasadena Half Marathon is February 19th and I am following the Crossfit Endurance training program, so I am ready for bed. Night friends! Super proud of all of you and so thankful that we are on this journey together...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Food & Wine event in Beverly Hills...

Full day and a ton of fun from beginning to end, AND yes friends, I DIDN'T CHEAT! But I will get to that in a bit...

Worked out the morning at Canyon and I was so excited to see 15 people there at the 8 AM class! The box is filled with excitement right now and a buzz that is audible. People are talking about recipes, encouraging each other more during the WOD and just having FUN! Meeting new people too that I haven't worked out with before. After the WOD, I spent about 10 minutes working on the first step of getting to a kipping pull up (that is my commitment at least 10 minutes each time I am there) and with some direction from Coach Ray and Alisha (THANKS!) I am getting a little closer to moving on to the next step and eventually will achieve my goal. :)

Then this afternoon my friend Misty and I headed to the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills to attend an event sponsored by Food & Wine and Buick that I had received free tickets for a few weeks ago. Yikes! Food?! Wine?! I was committed to the challenge and knew that I wouldn't be eating much if anything...well I was right here is what was served and demonstrated by 3 AMAZING Chefs....Homemade Bleu Cheese and Walnut Ice Cream and Smore Bombs...Scallops w Cauliflower Puree (with cream!) and then these Fried Pork & Beef Meatballs...and then of course the WINE! So...with the exception of the itty bitty sliver of scallop, I was not PNE approved but I had planned ahead and had my water and almonds to munch!

The Chefs were great, the hotel was sooooo cool and I will definitely go back bc it was GREAT and the company and time to visit with a friend was WONDERFUL! I didn't miss out on anything that mattered....time with a friend is the most important thing.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Encouraged & inspired by certain people in life...

I thought that I would write about my performance goals today but as the day went on I was feeling led to share about a specific person that had a hand in me considering and ultimately joining this journey or expereince as it is being called. The irony is that he probably isnt even aware of the impact he has had on me...especially the last few years.

I met my father in law, Bill almost 20 years ago. He was just recently retired and he and my mother in law were talking about their future and the freedom that lie ahead. Well about 13 yrs ago, Bill was diagnosed w Parkinsons and today he is in the advanced stages.

At one time, Bill could and did climb Mt Whitney...he could hold a baby/toddler in a single hand and balance them there while they stood.... he would play in the pool w his grandkids (a favorite picture of mine he is with my nieces in their pool in Florida). Well, I never got to see that Bill and as the Parkinsons took hold, I started to take a closer look at my physical health and realize that I shouldn't take it for granted. When I ran my marathon he asked me about my training and he wanted to know how it was when it was over. It was hard but nothing like the "marathon" he has been on the last decade.

One thing about Bill that isn't disputed-he loves Jesus and trusts in God's sovereign plan but like Bill, I don't know what God has planned for our future here on earth but I do believe that God has a plan! We cannot control or manipulate the future but we can make good choices about what we eat and exercise and then we must TRUST in God and enjoy the journey whatever it looks like; understanding that there will be both pain and joy along the way.

So, there you go...my father in law is one of the people that encourages me to take on this Perfomance Nutrition Experience. There are others, maybe I will share about them later...I do have 60 days after all! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chewing gum and a glass of wine...

The 2 things that I miss and find myself "jonesing" for are my cinnamon Dentyne gum and a glass of red wine at night. :) BUT....this isn't supposed to be easy...this is where the challenge comes in. Right? :)

Other than that, I am enjoying the planning and preparing of the meals...making them look and taste yummy. Halle and I watch Giada quite a bit and she says that we "eat with our eyes" meaning that the food needs to look good too. That is what we are shooting for...food that looks so good that you WANT to eat it. Tonight I made the Chicken Fajita recipe from the Whole 30 book and it looked and tasted YUMMY!

So fun to see and hear all the excitement about the 60 Day Experience...the buzz is GREAT! So encouraged by everyone and excited to see the success that EVERY person has because I have no doubt that EVERY person will have successes to celebrate!

Working on my goals...more on that tomorrow! :) Night...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remembering when it all began...

Today I started thinking back to when I started to actually want to do something for exercise and fitness...it was just 6 years ago! Crazy! I started to run in the morning a few days a week with our dog Cooper and decided that I wanted to run a 5K...so I asked my sister in law Sari if she wanted to join me (she had been running for years) and we entered the TriCity Fit 5K in Placentia....I couldn't even run the entire way and had to walk part of the "hill." She had no problem whatsoever! :)

Then it got serious when it got personal...my dear friends' 2 year old, Brayden was diagnosed w leukemia and in honor of him a few of us entered the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon. I trained and ran it (my goal was to run the entire way & I did) and decided I really enjoyed running and ultimately ran a full marathon and several other half marathons. It has become my "place" to be alone...alone w my thoughts, alone w my dreams, but mostly alone w God and my prayers. My time running usually includes laughter, tears and lots of smiling! Yep, I smile when I am running, even the LONG runs.

Well this past year I was able to join Canyon Crossfit...I had watched several friends and family LOVE it and I knew that when I had the chance I would be there too. And here I am and I LOVE it....different everyday, always a challenge and fun too.

Haven't posted a picture yet so here was dinner....Spaghetti Squash w homemade meatball & homemade sauce (all approved) with spinach/romaine salad and tomatoes w balsamic & olive oil. It was good and next time will be even better. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Before" pictures and goals...

Day 2, where to begin? Started off and ended like any other day but there are changes in the air and changes that are taking place throughout the day. Coffee in the morning with no cream and no sugar...I have to admit it was fine. Lunch..nothing like salad and olive oil with lemon juice! LOL Yummy, right? Then came the fun...

Went to Canyon to do the Performance WOD-400m run,Cindy and 21 Dead lifts; 400m run, Cindy, 15 Front Squats; 400m run, Cindy, 9 Clean & Jerks-16:37 was my time and although I started with 65# for Dead Lift, I wasn't able to pull it off that weight with the Front Squats and Clean & Jerks. :( So I have to claim 55# as my weight and have already realized that I have a great additional goal...more weight and better time. AND then there are my other goals....I WILL be able to do a real pull up without the help of a band and I WILL do a handstand push up!

Spinach salad w ground beef and sauteed onions (in coconut oil) and seasoning that is Whole 30 approved with homemade salsa, cucumbers and avocado slices! Yummy and the salsa will probably be something I make often. Then came the fun....I took my before pictures. I won't be posting them til the end but I am making a commitment to share them then.

I am already so impressed with what I am seeing from people posting...this is FUN and CHALLENGING like I said yesterday! I can't wait to celebrate the wins and successes with everyone at Canyon Crossfit!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day One and I am READY!

So today it officially began....what I am calling a "food cleanse" and I have to admit I am ready but I am nervous too. The doubts have already started but I have to keep focused. The important thing is to know that this isnt about losing weight but it is about looking at my kids and wanting to set an example of healthy living. Looking at the people that I love in my life and realizing that I need to cherish the life that God has blessed me with and the health that I currently have is nothing to take for granted. I have lost my Nonnie to Alzheimers, my father in law has Parkinson's and my sister in law had colon cancer...each of these things stole part or all of their lives and I am committed to being thankful each day for the abilities I still have to run, play, laugh, talk, remember. The journey begins and I am in! No pictures yet but I promise there will be and recipes too! This is going to be FUN....