Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In My Daughter's Eyes...

Halle is my 10 year old daughter (she will be 11 in March). She is my youngest and for those that know Halle, you know she is actually a 20 year old trapped in a 10 year old body, right? =) In all seriousness, Halle has been described as a "old soul." She is a mini-me and from the time she was an infant, I knew this...it is something that I have embraced but because I know ME, it has also made me nervous at times. She looks like her Daddy but her personality is so me!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GIRL!

All that being said...being an example to her is important to me. As early as I can remember I have tried to NOT focus on food & weight with her...just healthy. She is a dancer (in fact she is doing a dance at her recital to the song "In My Daughter's Eyes" by Martina McBride...yep I tear up when I hear the song and see her dance), she is actually pretty athletic too. She likes Crossfit and will ask to come with me sometimes to even try a WOD. I think she "gets" that exercise & being active is important. This all sounds wonderful right? So far, so good but we know that health isn't just about exercise...it is about healthy eating too. And this is where the struggle lies...

As soon as Halle hit her "first adolescence" (this is what I heard the age from 2-4 yrs old called once and it makes so much sense to me!) she began to use food as her control. She is EXTREMELY picky eater and does not eat ANY fruit or veggies. NONE. She lives off of protein, cheese and various grains. Here is where I struggle feeling like I have failed...failed as a Mom. Remember how I said I never wanted food to be a battle? But that is what it is with her...a battle, when I engage. There have been tears, punishments, more tears....heck, there have been occasions when she gags on the fruit or veggies I insist she eats and well...then there is a mess to clean. = (  Poor lil thing!

The Performance Nutrition Experience is stretching me as a person, it continues to challenge me as an athlete and it is also working on me as a MOM! I still don't have the answers as to how to help Halle change her eating habits but I can only hope that as I continue to grow through this myself and as I share with her what I am learning just in conversation not preaching, that she will look at me and see a positive example. She is very interested in this and is SOOOOO encouraging! My own health is important, but the health of my children is important to me also...it effects my heart. I want them to be emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy.

I know my little girl looks up to me and looks to me for direction and affirmation...I hope I am setting an example for her in this journey that makes a positive impact on her health and her choices for life. =)

Oh and make no mistake...I am certain this is a GOOD thing for us all and I am SOOOOO happy with what is happening in my life as well as everyone else!!!


  1. we have very few fruits or vegetables at this house also, but recently the Lord gave me a little insight that has helped me tremendously.

    it dawned upon me that if someone had told me when i was 20 that i'd LIKE spinach and CHOOSE to eat vegetables like brussels sprouts and roasted vegetables, i'd have told them they were CRAZY.

    well, today i eat all those things, and i like them! so, i take comfort in this fact that life is a journey and what my son does not choose to eat today, someday he may. hope is such a beautiful thing, isn't it?

    hope this helps. you know i've been where you are, as have many others. it's not about you; it's about halle and her choices now. you can't go back and undo the past, and you might not have even done anything incorrectly in the first place! keep telling yourself truth and don't sweat this. easier said than done, but with HIM, all things are possible.

  2. Thanks soooo much Jenn! Your encouragement means a TON. I am so very thankful that God continues to use this friendship...even with MILES between us! XO
