Thursday, February 9, 2012

Developing BALANCE in ALL areas...

For anyone that knows me well, you can attest that I am not one that is known for balance when it comes to coordination. I am a self proclaimed clutz and it has been confirmed with my actions over the years. I have been known to walk into walls, trip while walking & break my wrist or sprain an ankle. BUT...I won't let myself say "can't" or "won't"! Instead, I watch how something is done and then literally close my eyes and "see" myself doing it OVER and OVER again. And the funny thing is, I found out that you can actually "trick" your brain and body into thinking it actually did what you saw yourself doing in your brain...serious, its a fact! =) So that was my plan with the handstand and then the handstand push-up....see it and then do it! The handstand came a few weeks ago, the first handstand push-up kind of came last Saturday and today the WOD had them in it repeatedly! So....I DID IT! =) 27 of them total over the course of it and I am so HAPPY! Balance achieved!

Then there are the other areas of, church and my relationship w God, time w/ friends, work, volunteering, maintaining a home, time alone, working out/running...the list is llllooonnnngggg! And achieving balance here can be challenging. Because closing your eyes is not typically going to make it all fact closing my eyes and seeing something that isn't real in these areas of life is actually denial! LOL Over the years, I have learned that I need to keep myself in check DAILY. Now in all honesty that doesn't mean that I am balanced. All that it means is that I am trying. =) Like everything in life, some days are easier than others and some days are better than others. I literally look at my week and try to adjust and plan; ask myself if there it too much in one area that is taking away from that goal.

You know the feeling....too much work and your workouts/running slip away....too much volunteering and your family & friends suffer...too much of ANYTHING and God just gets what is left. do I do it all? Because I want to...LOL! Honestly, I can't do it all everyday and I know that, so I just need to allow myself to make choices and allow myself grace.

I am thankful for the 2 WODS I was able to fit in this week, I am thankful for the Whole30 meals with the family all at the table, I am thankful for the calls, emails and quick connections with friends, I am thankful for the time alone in my car so I can sing and pray, I am thankful for the appointments, leases and contracts that all happened this week @ work, heck I am thankful for all the laundry I did...BALANCE ACHIEVED!