Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running with gratitude...


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful
Gratitude is truly what I feel when I run. It is the emotion that I feel at just about any given time. I am grateful and thankful for so many things...
For my family-Sky, Zach & Halle...They are my CHEERLEADERS & make every day worth it!
For my Dad because he ran when I was young and eventually I thought, "Hey, I can do that too!"For Jesus...
For my Mom because she taught me to TRY!
For the REST of my family...EACH of you have impacted me & I take you with me each time I hit the road.
For the mere fact that I can!
For the scenery that I am enjoying wherever I run...
For the songs that come on my iPod
For my health
For the time to just let my thoughts & ideas happen as they may...
For my treasured friends-past & present...people inspire me!
For challenges...they make me stronger!
For memories...some that make me laugh, others that make me cry but ALL of them are what makes ME!
For yesterday, today & tomorrow...
Tomorrow is my 4th Half Marathon..this one is the Pasadena Rock N Roll...I am truly full of GRATITUDE!

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