Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 30 tomorrow? Really? What's next?

Tomorrow marks day 30 of the 60 day Performance Nutrition Experience! And I continue to learn so much and grow more committed to a style of eating that is in my opinion, a way of living that is better for me and better for my family. I continue to add to what I am preparing for Schuyler and I, to dinner for the kids and the reason I am doing it is because I believe in the "process" and I want them to embrace it in their time and not resent it. Because as I mentioned before and a blog that I read earlier is about being healthy and health when it comes to food is also very mental.

So what is my plan for tomorrow...well honestly tomorrow is just another day. And the day after is too. =) And as far as what I am planning for the next 30 days of the PNE...this Sunday I am running the Inaugural Pasadena Rock N Roll Half Marathon so I won't be making any changes or additions to my diet until after that. I have been very "clean" these last 30 days and I don't want to mess with my system before the race. That being said, there will be no carbo-load the night before. Not a problem because I see a difference in my performance and have no doubt I will have a great run. I haven't ran as much as I have before to prepare so I will be interested to see if I run a time better than my PR at Long Beach Half Marathon which was just under 2:14.

Nutrition-I spent time last night and today reading different blogs that Andrew sent regarding "Life after Whole30 & Transitioning to Whole9" and I feel good about it. I think I am in a good place, not anxious to be off the strict diet but looking forward to integrating what I have learned and seeing what my body "tells" me when I re-introduce foods methodically. As to when that will start...not totally sure yet but I am sure I will let you know. =)

Performance-Of course the half marathon is almost here and I LOVE the run! I have enjoyed a few PR's at Crossfit these past 29 days and I have met one of my performance goals to learn the handstand
push-up...SO FUN! I will continue to work on the pull-up as another goal that I made for myself at the beginning. And as of this past Saturday, I added working on my overhead squat with a goal to hit 55# with solid form and technique!

Thanks for joining me on this journey...still enjoying it and so VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT & ENCOURAGEMENT!

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