Monday, February 6, 2012

Friends+Accountability=SUPER Bowl!!!

Life has been so busy this past week and I have to admit I have missed "blogging" and just processing this experience.

Few things to report in the Performance Realm...PR'ed my 1 mile time and plan to do it again before the 60 days are over. Ran the 800 today and was pretty happy with that time too...nothing to PR until today so I am making it a goal to do better than the 3:33 that I did today. Worked on my handstand and my handstand push ups on Saturday with Denise and I think I pretty much got it, so now I want to perfect the movement and see what I can do as far as repetitions go. And then there is the pull up...still working on it and I definitely feel stronger and see the progress. :) The push up exercises that we were given is helping with my strength-I WILL GET THERE. :)

Ok, Sunday was Super Bowl and as my husband says, "It is a national holiday" and with all holidays comes FOOD...lots of it. And DRINKS...lots of them. So, like my title stated...I took friends and added accountability and that equalled a SUPER Bowl! Was it easy? In some ways yes, in some ways no. Did I make it through without cheating? YES MA' AM and YES SIR! Heck, I even made an appetizer that was a Whole30 "no-no" because the Host requested it...but I didn't have even a taste. Instead I enjoyed the Ceviche that I made, the Grilled Wings w Sunshine Sauce that Jim and Sari made along with Jim's yummy Guacamole with veggies for dipping and Tri-Tip Wrapped Asparagus prepared by Drew & Jen-ALL great and then thanks to Denise, I remembered to bring some Perrier and enjoyed it in a wine glass with a squeeze of lime and lemon. A success because of people....they encourage, they tease & taunt (if you are like me, this makes my resolve stronger), and they are just "there." Yes, it was a FUN day.

8 days left in the first 30 days (60 total) of what I refer to as "detox time" and although I am looking forward to a less strict dietary routine for the last 30, I can say without a doubt I am very happy with how I am feeling and have learned that I can continue to make choices daily that are healthier and some things may never come back into what I eat. Again, honesty is important in all this-I WILL DRINK WINE AGAIN! :) LOL

Before I say good night, I have to say again, how impressed I am with everybody that is doing this @ Canyon Crossfit. Funny, because some people I see on Facebook but have yet to meet at Crossfit! :) Can't wait to congratulate them in person at the celebration party when we are done.

My encouragement to everyone-stay focused on the goal-YOUR HEALTH! Sure, it is fun to possibly "win" but ultimately we are all winners because we have committed to making changes that we know are working to our benefit. YAY US!

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