Saturday, January 28, 2012

Old friends and new friends...

One thing that continues to make me smile about Crossfit and this whole experience are the friends that I get to see...both old friends and new ones. I would have never guessed 15 years ago that I would be actually working out a gym with my friend Denise who I met at MOPS. Jeez, we met when our kids were infants and now they are in high school...Denise was always great at working out and making that part of her life BUT NOT ME! I admired her ability and dedication then and now I see firsthand that she is a STUD! For years we saw each other weekly and then life happened and our kids' schedules became our own...we became too busy to see each other but would always be friendly when we had a moment to catch up at church...thanks to Crossfit and this Challenge I get to not only see her but I am inspired by watching her and seeing her dedication. Along with Denise the friends that I have known longest include 2 members of my family- Sari and Jim. Although we don't get to see each other at the box much, it is fun when we do and I look forward to those moments and love that we have this thing that we do. In fact, it makes my kids want to know more about it and come when they can to experience a WOD. Then there are the friends that I have only known a few years that I LOVE seeing there also. You know those friends that you just click with?! When I see these friends at Crossfit I actually get a HUGE smile on my face because I enjoy them-seriously each time that Wendy and I are there at the same time, I literally jump w excitement. :) Its also a place and time that I get to connect w Jen once (now twice a week)...funny the connection time is just the 10 minute commute from her house to the box but I love it and look forward to it! And then there are the new friends...SO COOL! The DOZENS that I have met BECAUSE of Canyon Crossfit and I love getting to know each of them. All of us are at different levels of performace and all of us have lives and schedules that make your head spin but we are all in this Crossfit thing together and having so much fun (yes there is pain too) but mostly FUN. For those of you that haven't noticed I am a sentimental girl...everything I do resonates with my heart. The PNE is going well...I love the premise, I feel great and I can see the benefits to clean eating. As far as goals...I am feeling stronger and I closer to getting my kipping pull up and very possibly my handstand push up!


  1. i believe you have just described your "third place". connection with other human beings who share a similar purpose or activity is such a great part of being alive, isn't it?

    1. Yes ma'am it is wonderful! Miss you friend and believe me, I think of you often!

  2. Awesome job Heather! You're rockin' it girl!

    1. Thanks Dez...watching you and others at CC make this so much fun! Your encouragement is THE BEST!

  3. Awesome Heather. You are part of a community that is like no other. Keep it up!
