Monday, January 23, 2012

One step closer to achieving a GOAL!!!

Today was a normal Monday and another day into the 60 Day Experience and getting through the 30 day detox! :)

I love Mondays because I get to go to Crossfit with my friend Jen...only an hour together but I look forward to the time to connect w my friend. So like a normal Monday we got there and did the WOD..."Diane"...first time taking her on and I already have an idea what I want to do next time to make it more challenging. Then before core, I headed over to the pull up bars to work on a "step" in learning the kipping pull up. Feeling OK about my progress there too.

THEN, it was core...handstand holds. "Ummm, Rick can you come get me into a handstand?" I asked. Well he wasn't going to have me not try to do it on my own and I tried to talk him out of it because quite frankly I was nervous and thought I would fall on my head. You see, I am not one that has ever been considered fact I broke my wrist almost 2 yrs ago tripping over my purse. After a little encouragement from Rick and my friend Jen, I decided to give it a shot. First attempt...didn't give it enough! Second attempt...I WAS UP! Yay me! One step closer to doing a handstand push up!

Then dinner...Crock Pot Pork Carnitas & Caramelized Onions with Avocado w Fresh Salsa. I am loving all the pictures and the creativity that I am seeing from other people. :)

Talked w Coach Ray today about my meeting w a nutritionist several years ago and I think I will try to share what I learned all those years ago and have implemented over the years. It all rings true w common sense and it right in line with what we are all seeing and doing right now. It was an experience that I will never forget and I learned sooooo much from her.

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great."

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