Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remembering when it all began...

Today I started thinking back to when I started to actually want to do something for exercise and was just 6 years ago! Crazy! I started to run in the morning a few days a week with our dog Cooper and decided that I wanted to run a I asked my sister in law Sari if she wanted to join me (she had been running for years) and we entered the TriCity Fit 5K in Placentia....I couldn't even run the entire way and had to walk part of the "hill." She had no problem whatsoever! :)

Then it got serious when it got dear friends' 2 year old, Brayden was diagnosed w leukemia and in honor of him a few of us entered the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon. I trained and ran it (my goal was to run the entire way & I did) and decided I really enjoyed running and ultimately ran a full marathon and several other half marathons. It has become my "place" to be alone...alone w my thoughts, alone w my dreams, but mostly alone w God and my prayers. My time running usually includes laughter, tears and lots of smiling! Yep, I smile when I am running, even the LONG runs.

Well this past year I was able to join Canyon Crossfit...I had watched several friends and family LOVE it and I knew that when I had the chance I would be there too. And here I am and I LOVE it....different everyday, always a challenge and fun too.

Haven't posted a picture yet so here was dinner....Spaghetti Squash w homemade meatball & homemade sauce (all approved) with spinach/romaine salad and tomatoes w balsamic & olive oil. It was good and next time will be even better. :)

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