Monday, October 1, 2012

An anniversary I never thought I would celebrate until today!

First I need to warn you that this may be a lengthy blog but hang in there with me. And so that you know a little history in 1999 I explored a Gluten & Casein-free diet for my son January of this year I began to eat Paleo & Whole30 and I am continuing to move my family in that direction. Paleo and Whole30 have proven benefits to people with ADHD, ADD as well as those with Aspergers and on the Autistic Spectrum.

Here it goes...

Today after an appointment in Santa Ana with a client and potential tenant I decided to take a moment to pop into a place called the Intervention Center for Early Childhood (ICEC) because I was literally right around the corner from there. Why? Well in 1999 that amazing place became Zach's "preschool" but it wasn't by choice like most preschools come about. I mentioned in a previous blog post that Zach required early intervention services because of some social & speech delays as well as some sensory issues.

I stopped in because I wanted to return to a place that taught me so much, encouraged me and prepared me for the future and more importantly gave Zach the jump start that he needed to overcome these issues. I wanted to go back and say THANKS. When I pulled up I had no idea if any of the same people would be there-the speech therapist, the occupational therapist, the Director, etc. And I also knew it had been a LONG time...1999, Zach was 2 1/2 years old...he is know 15 1/2 years old.

I walked in with a very different feeling then the first time back in 1999. That day I was scared, tentative and unsure of the future. Today I walked in smiling, eager and although I still don't know what the future holds (who does, right?), I was confident and excited for the future. I was greeted by a lady behind the reception desk and she asked me how she could help me. I smiled and told her that my son went here and received services a long time ago. Immediately she and the other 2 ladies at  their desks turned to hear more. I looked around and although it had changed some, it still looked so similar to how it did back then. They asked who my son was and I told them and shared how much I appreciated this place and all it did for us. How thankful I was for early intervention (a term I learned back then). One lady remembered Zach's name...Miss Nancy! Yep I remembered her too. They wanted to know how Zach was doing and their smiles grew bigger as I shared he was a Sophomore at El Dorado playing on the JV football team and in AP & Honors classes. I could tell they were pleased...I was THRILLED to share of his growth and also joke with them about how he still struggled with staying focused. We laughed...some things don't change. =)

So after some reminiscing, sharing school & football pics and many thank you's it was time to say good bye. My impromptu visit was perfect. I heard them telling each other how neat it was as I left and walked to my car...Still smiling! Then as I pulled away, I decided I wanted to bring Zach there around his 16th birthday...he has no memory of ICEC but knows from the stories I have shared, it was so valuable for him. Then the next thought hit me...I walked back through those doors almost 13 years to the DAY...Zach was first assessed in October 1999 and was there until he turned 3 in February 2000. He started "school" there a week before Halloween. It was our ANNIVERSARY month! I immediately teared up (yes, that is how I roll) and was encouraged by our journey. So proud of the young man that Zach is becoming and this is CRAZY but I was also thankful for the struggles we have today with follow thru with homework! Perspective!

Today I celebrated an that I never thought I would celebrate! YAY Zach! So happy to celebrate you! And thank you again ICEC and all the amazing people that worked with us-Celeste, Julie, Nancy, Kathy, Micki &'s your anniversary too!

Zach at ICEC
Zach's JV Football Pic
My Sophomore!

1 comment:

  1. got all verklempt reading this, as i remember this journey! i'm so glad you listened to your "mother's intuition" and sought the help Zach needed.

    hang on, now, because if you blink, you'll be doing what we did last weekend and you'll be tearing up again! enjoy each day, even with its challenges. you'll never know what could've been without ICEC.
