Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why I am blogging again and why the crockpot...

About a week and a half ago Andrew asked me if I could help Canyon Crossfit but submitting blogs for the actual website. Obviously they are wanting to keep new content on the home page which I understand will help with their SEO...right? So, I figured why not. I will give it a try and see how people like it (if they do at all!) All that being said, this is a new thing for me because when I started this blog it was for the Perfomance Nutrition Challenge so I was blogging about my journey. THIS TIME I need to be more diverse with the topics. So.....PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR THOUGHTS & IDEAS! What do you like, what do you not like, what do you want to see. I am game and I will research whatever topics you mention and find the information to get it out there so we can all grow!

Now for the crockpot! LOL

We all have busy lives but there is hope when it comes to having great tasting, Paleo meals that are made with ease...USE YOUR CROCKPOT!

Honestly it is a lifesaver for me and the recipes I have found are not "Your mother's crockpot recipes!" =) I promise you will love them...some of my favorites come from Juli Bauer is CRAZY funny and her recipes have so much creativity and flavor. I have tried at least 8 of the recipes and they have all been a success. The Honey Ginger Apple Shredded Pork even impressed my mom and she went out and got the ingredients to make it that next week.

Another great resource that is Nom Nom Paleo. Her logo alone makes me want to try her recipes and for all you iPad people, she has an app now. Impressive, right?! The great thing about her is that she inspires me because she is a mom know, kind of a kindred spirit. :)

Each week I look at what life has in store for me on the calendar and then I make the "food schedule" for the week. Ok, I admit I am WAY too organized when it comes to these sorts of things but I LOVE lists and I love to cross things off my list when it is done so my "food schedule" is just another list for me! Sorry...I am rambling. Anyway, I make my meal list and honestly usually 2 days are crockpot. The recipes always make enough for leftovers which become lunch and I walk into the house after a WOD at Canyon Crossfit and dinner is almost ready and the house smells YUMMY!

Give it a try and tell me what recipes are your favorites!

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