Tuesday, January 31, 2012

8 years ago tomorrow...

February 1, 2004 was Super Bowl XXXVIII but more importantly for me, it was the day that Nonnie (my Mom's Mom) left a body & mind that had been taken over by Alzheimer's Disease and within a moment was fully restored and whole in Heaven w Jesus.

 We had a pretty close relationship...I liked to go to her house and type letters on her typewriter to family and friends that lived "far away." I also learned a few cooking basics from her including how to make a GREAT pecan pie, fried chicken, ham & beans with cornbread and fresh sliced tomatoes w a little salt on them was a decent side dish. :) We shared a love for Little House on the Prairie and also enjoyed games shows like Wheel of Fortune and Family Feud (tried out for both together and made it on Family Feud which was a DREAM come true for her).

Like I mentioned before, there are a few people and their lives that have inspired me to look at my own health, nutrition and exercise these last 6 years and Nonnie was another one of those people. You see, when I look back at some of her lifestyle choices and habits I remember a woman that was pretty sedentary and never exercised. She used A LOT processed foods and Sweet n Low was a household staple. After meeting with a nutritionist 14+ years ago, the nutritionist pointed out that foods like that and others that were labeled "light" were actually in many ways WORSE then the real stuff. Why? Because the junk they had to add wasn't something your body knew how to process, so in order to process it, the body essentially wasn't able to fight other things going on-potentially increasing your chances of Alzheimer's, cancer, etc.

Now, did I change overnight? No...it has been a slow and steady process. Each step of the way, I could see the truth and the consistency in what I had learned and what life had shown me. Little by little, I started to exercise and removed things from my diet that are harmful and now I am taking it to another level...CLEAN eating and exercise as a part of life and both are fun.

I don't know if the disease Nonnie had or another one will "take me on" someday but I do know that armed with my Hope that is found in my Faith in Jesus as well as these lifestyle choices, I will certainly be stronger and more capable of the challenge.

So once again...thanks for "listening." I hope I haven't bored you too much but possibly given you a glimpse of what is going on with me through this experience. Yesterday I PR'ed my original 1 mile time at Canyon Crossfit...8:57 the first time I ran it BUT last night I ran it in 7:33! And I can honestly say that when I was running, I was thinking about this blog and running it for Nonnie! It was a good night and I will celebrate it for a long time!

Night friends...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Old friends and new friends...

One thing that continues to make me smile about Crossfit and this whole experience are the friends that I get to see...both old friends and new ones. I would have never guessed 15 years ago that I would be actually working out a gym with my friend Denise who I met at MOPS. Jeez, we met when our kids were infants and now they are in high school...Denise was always great at working out and making that part of her life BUT NOT ME! I admired her ability and dedication then and now I see firsthand that she is a STUD! For years we saw each other weekly and then life happened and our kids' schedules became our own...we became too busy to see each other but would always be friendly when we had a moment to catch up at church...thanks to Crossfit and this Challenge I get to not only see her but I am inspired by watching her and seeing her dedication. Along with Denise the friends that I have known longest include 2 members of my family- Sari and Jim. Although we don't get to see each other at the box much, it is fun when we do and I look forward to those moments and love that we have this thing that we do. In fact, it makes my kids want to know more about it and come when they can to experience a WOD. Then there are the friends that I have only known a few years that I LOVE seeing there also. You know those friends that you just click with?! When I see these friends at Crossfit I actually get a HUGE smile on my face because I enjoy them-seriously each time that Wendy and I are there at the same time, I literally jump w excitement. :) Its also a place and time that I get to connect w Jen once (now twice a week)...funny the connection time is just the 10 minute commute from her house to the box but I love it and look forward to it! And then there are the new friends...SO COOL! The DOZENS that I have met BECAUSE of Canyon Crossfit and I love getting to know each of them. All of us are at different levels of performace and all of us have lives and schedules that make your head spin but we are all in this Crossfit thing together and having so much fun (yes there is pain too) but mostly FUN. For those of you that haven't noticed I am a sentimental girl...everything I do resonates with my heart. The PNE is going well...I love the premise, I feel great and I can see the benefits to clean eating. As far as goals...I am feeling stronger and I closer to getting my kipping pull up and very possibly my handstand push up!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Restaurants LIE but I can't!

Yesterday was overall a really good day both personally & professionally and I was continuing to make good progress with the PNE...until dinner! UGH!

Before I get to the UGH a few things I learned...first of all, El Farlito in Placentia for lunch?! Seriously, was it possible to find something that was OK to eat? YES!!! I ordered the large shrimp cocktail for lunch with no ketchup and added fresh avocado! It was served with a fresh pico de gallo and it was so good! I asked about ingredients and it was OK! It arrived and it was AMAZING!

Our company had its Grand Opening Party that evening and Stefano's has a great veggie tray that I was able to enjoy and for the record, the rest was great too but I did NOT try anything, I just know from past experience. :) I was bummed that I wasn't going to be able to get to Crossfit that evening and I had plans with Sari tonight so 2 nights were going to be missed for a workout...bummer but I am still OK at this point...

THEN, we headed to Foxfire for a dinner with the President of the company and other top performers....seriously FOXFIRE? We were on Cougar Alert for sure and sadly there was only one sighting to brighten the evening. LOL So, again I asked the questions regarding food prep...do the steamed veggies have anything on them? No, she answered. Salad with oil & vinegar please (that part was easy) and then I settled on the fresh fish of the day (Ono) because they said it was grilled and served w fresh mango salsa on top and nothing else. Safe right? Well only if that as the truth. :(

The salad was fine but when the food finally arrived I looked at the suspicious glisten on the veggies and the fish was laying in some liquid as well. One bite of the veggies and the "fake" taste was obvious it was tossed in some CRAP after steaming and after scraping the fish and trying a few bites, I realized the meal was a MAJOR fail! :( AND I ATE SOME!!! So, I am fessing up bc bad things were eaten and SOME RESTAURANTS LIE but I won't. It tasted GROSS and thankfully I had the salad and only ate a few bites of the veggie & fish when I realized it was ALL BAD.

All that being said, I didn't fall off the wagon but I was tricked..I was bummed! :(

Today was a new day and I took control...STILL FUN and enjoying all the excitement, the recipes and the process for everyone at Canyon Crossfit. Each person is making a difference in their health that matters! Night friends...

Monday, January 23, 2012

One step closer to achieving a GOAL!!!

Today was a normal Monday and another day into the 60 Day Experience and getting through the 30 day detox! :)

I love Mondays because I get to go to Crossfit with my friend Jen...only an hour together but I look forward to the time to connect w my friend. So like a normal Monday we got there and did the WOD..."Diane"...first time taking her on and I already have an idea what I want to do next time to make it more challenging. Then before core, I headed over to the pull up bars to work on a "step" in learning the kipping pull up. Feeling OK about my progress there too.

THEN, it was core...handstand holds. "Ummm, Rick can you come get me into a handstand?" I asked. Well he wasn't going to have me not try to do it on my own and I tried to talk him out of it because quite frankly I was nervous and thought I would fall on my head. You see, I am not one that has ever been considered coordinated...in fact I broke my wrist almost 2 yrs ago tripping over my purse. After a little encouragement from Rick and my friend Jen, I decided to give it a shot. First attempt...didn't give it enough pop...fail! Second attempt...I WAS UP! Yay me! One step closer to doing a handstand push up!

Then dinner...Crock Pot Pork Carnitas & Caramelized Onions with Avocado w Fresh Salsa. I am loving all the pictures and the creativity that I am seeing from other people. :)

Talked w Coach Ray today about my meeting w a nutritionist several years ago and I think I will try to share what I learned all those years ago and have implemented over the years. It all rings true w common sense and it right in line with what we are all seeing and doing right now. It was an experience that I will never forget and I learned sooooo much from her.

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great."

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Something looks different...& a funny story!

This morning after church my Mom said, "Honey, your skin and make-up look good. Did you get some new stuff?" I responded, "Nope same make-up but I noticed the other day that my skin didn't seem as dry." "That's it!" She replied. After talking for a bit we discussed that the clean eating and the focus on water and also good fats was already making a difference in my normally dry skin. :) Seriously? I wasn't expecting that but, WOW! :)

It is clear to so many of us that the change in eating is making a difference. Our bodies are responding...and we will continue to see what happens. Even Schuyler (my husband) agreed to join me in the experience and although he is adamant that he isn't "hardcore" like me, he is adjusting too and has removed cream in his coffee but instead is using coconut milk. I read that if you put it in the fridge the heavier part of the milk will rise to the top for a "cream-like" addition to coffee. And because he was skeptical, he weighed himself and in less than a week (he started after me) he has lost 4 lbs.

Now here is the funny story...I ALWAYS have M & M's in a candy container that are seasonally colored. Well this is never a problem for me nor a temptation, I just have them as part of the seasonal decorations and they make me smile. Well, Schuyler told a friend that to him the M & M's are a temptation and I might as well leave the Victoria's Secret catalog by the side of the bed! LOL So funny...and for anyone that is wondering he said I could share that story! Maybe I need to change it up and fill it with raw almonds. :)

So much more to say and so much going thru my head but today was a full day and I was even able to get a 3 mile run in...Pasadena Half Marathon is February 19th and I am following the Crossfit Endurance training program, so I am ready for bed. Night friends! Super proud of all of you and so thankful that we are on this journey together...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Food & Wine event in Beverly Hills...

Full day and a ton of fun from beginning to end, AND yes friends, I DIDN'T CHEAT! But I will get to that in a bit...

Worked out the morning at Canyon and I was so excited to see 15 people there at the 8 AM class! The box is filled with excitement right now and a buzz that is audible. People are talking about recipes, encouraging each other more during the WOD and just having FUN! Meeting new people too that I haven't worked out with before. After the WOD, I spent about 10 minutes working on the first step of getting to a kipping pull up (that is my commitment at least 10 minutes each time I am there) and with some direction from Coach Ray and Alisha (THANKS!) I am getting a little closer to moving on to the next step and eventually will achieve my goal. :)

Then this afternoon my friend Misty and I headed to the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills to attend an event sponsored by Food & Wine and Buick that I had received free tickets for a few weeks ago. Yikes! Food?! Wine?! I was committed to the challenge and knew that I wouldn't be eating much if anything...well I was right here is what was served and demonstrated by 3 AMAZING Chefs....Homemade Bleu Cheese and Walnut Ice Cream and Smore Bombs...Scallops w Cauliflower Puree (with cream!) and then these Fried Pork & Beef Meatballs...and then of course the WINE! So...with the exception of the itty bitty sliver of scallop, I was not PNE approved but I had planned ahead and had my water and almonds to munch!

The Chefs were great, the hotel was sooooo cool and I will definitely go back bc it was GREAT and the company and time to visit with a friend was WONDERFUL! I didn't miss out on anything that mattered....time with a friend is the most important thing.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Encouraged & inspired by certain people in life...

I thought that I would write about my performance goals today but as the day went on I was feeling led to share about a specific person that had a hand in me considering and ultimately joining this journey or expereince as it is being called. The irony is that he probably isnt even aware of the impact he has had on me...especially the last few years.

I met my father in law, Bill almost 20 years ago. He was just recently retired and he and my mother in law were talking about their future and the freedom that lie ahead. Well about 13 yrs ago, Bill was diagnosed w Parkinsons and today he is in the advanced stages.

At one time, Bill could and did climb Mt Whitney...he could hold a baby/toddler in a single hand and balance them there while they stood.... he would play in the pool w his grandkids (a favorite picture of mine he is with my nieces in their pool in Florida). Well, I never got to see that Bill and as the Parkinsons took hold, I started to take a closer look at my physical health and realize that I shouldn't take it for granted. When I ran my marathon he asked me about my training and he wanted to know how it was when it was over. It was hard but nothing like the "marathon" he has been on the last decade.

One thing about Bill that isn't disputed-he loves Jesus and trusts in God's sovereign plan but like Bill, I don't know what God has planned for our future here on earth but I do believe that God has a plan! We cannot control or manipulate the future but we can make good choices about what we eat and exercise and then we must TRUST in God and enjoy the journey whatever it looks like; understanding that there will be both pain and joy along the way.

So, there you go...my father in law is one of the people that encourages me to take on this Perfomance Nutrition Experience. There are others, maybe I will share about them later...I do have 60 days after all! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Chewing gum and a glass of wine...

The 2 things that I miss and find myself "jonesing" for are my cinnamon Dentyne gum and a glass of red wine at night. :) BUT....this isn't supposed to be easy...this is where the challenge comes in. Right? :)

Other than that, I am enjoying the planning and preparing of the meals...making them look and taste yummy. Halle and I watch Giada quite a bit and she says that we "eat with our eyes" meaning that the food needs to look good too. That is what we are shooting for...food that looks so good that you WANT to eat it. Tonight I made the Chicken Fajita recipe from the Whole 30 book and it looked and tasted YUMMY!

So fun to see and hear all the excitement about the 60 Day Experience...the buzz is GREAT! So encouraged by everyone and excited to see the success that EVERY person has because I have no doubt that EVERY person will have successes to celebrate!

Working on my goals...more on that tomorrow! :) Night...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remembering when it all began...

Today I started thinking back to when I started to actually want to do something for exercise and fitness...it was just 6 years ago! Crazy! I started to run in the morning a few days a week with our dog Cooper and decided that I wanted to run a 5K...so I asked my sister in law Sari if she wanted to join me (she had been running for years) and we entered the TriCity Fit 5K in Placentia....I couldn't even run the entire way and had to walk part of the "hill." She had no problem whatsoever! :)

Then it got serious when it got personal...my dear friends' 2 year old, Brayden was diagnosed w leukemia and in honor of him a few of us entered the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon. I trained and ran it (my goal was to run the entire way & I did) and decided I really enjoyed running and ultimately ran a full marathon and several other half marathons. It has become my "place" to be alone...alone w my thoughts, alone w my dreams, but mostly alone w God and my prayers. My time running usually includes laughter, tears and lots of smiling! Yep, I smile when I am running, even the LONG runs.

Well this past year I was able to join Canyon Crossfit...I had watched several friends and family LOVE it and I knew that when I had the chance I would be there too. And here I am and I LOVE it....different everyday, always a challenge and fun too.

Haven't posted a picture yet so here was dinner....Spaghetti Squash w homemade meatball & homemade sauce (all approved) with spinach/romaine salad and tomatoes w balsamic & olive oil. It was good and next time will be even better. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Before" pictures and goals...

Day 2, where to begin? Started off and ended like any other day but there are changes in the air and changes that are taking place throughout the day. Coffee in the morning with no cream and no sugar...I have to admit it was fine. Lunch..nothing like salad and olive oil with lemon juice! LOL Yummy, right? Then came the fun...

Went to Canyon to do the Performance WOD-400m run,Cindy and 21 Dead lifts; 400m run, Cindy, 15 Front Squats; 400m run, Cindy, 9 Clean & Jerks-16:37 was my time and although I started with 65# for Dead Lift, I wasn't able to pull it off that weight with the Front Squats and Clean & Jerks. :( So I have to claim 55# as my weight and have already realized that I have a great additional goal...more weight and better time. AND then there are my other goals....I WILL be able to do a real pull up without the help of a band and I WILL do a handstand push up!

Spinach salad w ground beef and sauteed onions (in coconut oil) and seasoning that is Whole 30 approved with homemade salsa, cucumbers and avocado slices! Yummy and the salsa will probably be something I make often. Then came the fun....I took my before pictures. I won't be posting them til the end but I am making a commitment to share them then.

I am already so impressed with what I am seeing from people posting...this is FUN and CHALLENGING like I said yesterday! I can't wait to celebrate the wins and successes with everyone at Canyon Crossfit!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day One and I am READY!

So today it officially began....what I am calling a "food cleanse" and I have to admit I am ready but I am nervous too. The doubts have already started but I have to keep focused. The important thing is to know that this isnt about losing weight but it is about looking at my kids and wanting to set an example of healthy living. Looking at the people that I love in my life and realizing that I need to cherish the life that God has blessed me with and the health that I currently have is nothing to take for granted. I have lost my Nonnie to Alzheimers, my father in law has Parkinson's and my sister in law had colon cancer...each of these things stole part or all of their lives and I am committed to being thankful each day for the abilities I still have to run, play, laugh, talk, remember. The journey begins and I am in! No pictures yet but I promise there will be and recipes too! This is going to be FUN....