Monday, January 7, 2013

Gotta love the crockpot!

Kids went back to school today after 2 weeks off for Christmas and New the routine of getting lunches ready for the morning (I prepare most of it the night before), setting their alarm and mine for an earlier, less leisurely wake up time and having dinner planned in advance so we eat at a reasonable time. Breathe Heath, breathe! =) This is where the crockpot is a HUGE help. I can go to work and even get to Crossfit for a WOD and then come home and be Mom and wife. Today's WOD was Barbara BTW! That is my Mom's name but today I almost cursed that name and I almost threw up but thanks to my friend Ally who was working out next to me, we absolutely pushed thru it and I felt good about my time of 25:08! OK, enough about me and my day.

This recipe I shared during the Intro Cooking class that I taught at Canyon Crossfit but never put it on the blog so here you go! Enjoy! It's a good one. I serve it over sweet potato or yam with spinach. It is also great added into a scramble the next morning for a different twist on breakfast. As always let me know what you think, I won't be offended...I want to get better. Oh and as I am typing this is would be great with a Mexican flavored Cauli-rice-YUM!

Simple Chicken Salsa Verde
Whole30 & Paleo

3 lbs Chicken
1 t Salt
1 t Pepper
1 t Garlic Powder
2 t Cumin
1 Onion-sliced thin
1 Jalapeno-diced
1 Jar Salsa Verde from Trader Joe's

Place chicken in crockpot set to low heat. Add salt, pepper, cumin, garlic powder, sliced onion, jalapeno and Salsa Verde. Cover and let simmer 4-6 hours. When done shred chicken and enjoy.

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