Monday, January 28, 2013

Girl talk...& Rutabagas

I am increasingly thankful for the amazing women in my life! God has truly blessed me! I know with certainty that I can turn to them for love & encouragement, advice & accountability, laughter & tears, hugs & a strong shoulder. And they are women that touch different parts of my heart & my walk with God, my family, my work, my hobbies (insert cooking and Crossfit here to just name a few) and of course the friends that just are GREAT at making me relax and are so fun to have lunch with, go out for a quick dinner or drink, run to the mall or just chat any way that we can! You know those women in your life? And girls, this is a public THANK YOU for being my friends! XO

Well today I had a great day connecting with a few of these women-lunch plans for next week with one, coffee planned with another, checking in via text message with several, a good chat with my Mom and then there was the talk you can only have with a girlfriend after Crossfit! As I was having this conversation I was thinking..."I need to blog about this...this is too good not to share...too important. BUT, the friend will remain nameless"

So after a great WOD, I was practicing my double-unders while my sweet potato cooked in the microwave (ask me about that later if you are curious). Our chat quickly made me realize something-there are certain things that only women can talk to other women about! And thank goodness she did because we quickly realized that we were in the same boat and until then we both thought we were the only ones! know who you are and I am so glad we get to workout together a few days a week! You are so genuine, so strong and REAL! I am glad we stumbled into that lil' talk! WE AREN'T ALONE! Thank goodness! I drove home and thanked God for the women in my life!

OK, that is the personal story for the for the recipe. The other morning I came home from Crossfit and embarked on trying a new vegetable...the RUTABAGA! Yes, I had never had one in my almost 42 years of life and after seeing Juli from PaleOMG use them in a few recipes recently I decided I needed to do that same! This is what I came up with...

Rutabaga Breakfast Patties
2 rutabagas-shredded in food processor or grated
5 eggs-whisked
2 T fresh basil-chopped
1/8 c sun dried tomatoes-sliced
salt & pepper to taste
2-3 T ghee/clarified butter
Combine all the ingredients except ghee in a bowl. Mix with your hands.
Heat nonstick skillet on med-high heat and melt ghee/clarified butter. Using 1/2 c measuring cup scoop mixture and place in prepared skillet. Honestly I used my hand to do this but measuring cup sounds more professional. =) Cook for 3 minutes then flip and cook another 2-3 minutes. Recipe will make 5-6 patties. Serve with fruit and breakfast sausage or bacon. Also, you could do the same recipe but substitute the rutabaga with a sweet potato or yam but I would you to TRY the rutabaga. =)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Keeping it simple because sometimes life isn't!

You will notice that most of the recipes I post and make are actually relatively simple. Why? Several reasons-I am busy...I am busy...oh, I am busy! And trust me when I say this-I love my life and I feel totally blessed. I have a family that I love and adore, a job that is busy and teaching me things all the time, friends that I treasure and love spending time with, activities and hobbies that include church, working out at Crossfit, wedding I said I am busy.

So it is important that my recipes are simple but FULL of flavor and an added bonus is when they can morph into several different meals without being the "same" thing.

Today was a normal day-San Diego in the morning for our monthly C21 Award leader/department meeting, back to get Halle from school and get her to dance, stopped by a ribbon cutting for a fun new store in Downtown Fullerton called Kismet to encourage a gal I know from Crossfit, took Zach to an appointment, then home to make dinner for the family. Now considering that I walked in the door at 6:15 PM, I needed something that we could be eating by 7 or soon thereafter, so I did a variation on what my Mom used to make for us on busy days we called it "Quick Spaghetti" (different then Spaghetti and Meatballs) and made it Whole30 and made it SIMPLE!

Tonight I had the meat sauce over fresh spinach and spaghetti squash, Zach had it over a baked yam and tomorrow morning it will be consumed with eggs I am certain in some way shape or form. And maybe there will be enough left to bake in a portabello mushroom for lunch.

Heather's Quick Spaghetti Sauce

2 lbs ground beef (lean)
2 T coconut oil
1/2 onion-chopped
1/2 yellow pepper-chopped
1/2 orange pepper-chopped
1 T Italian Seasoning
1 t salt
1/2 t garlic powder 1 t ground pepper
1 large can crushed tomatoes
Red pepper flakes (you can put these on after for those that like the added "kick")

Heat coconut oil in saute pan on medium heat. Add chopped onions and peppers and saute until tender. Add ground beef and seasoning, salt & pepper. Break up meat with back of spoon & cook on medium high heat until meat is done. Add can of crushed tomatoes and simmer 10-15 minutes. Serve as you like it.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Performance Nutrition Experience Starts Tomorrow!

OK, tomorrow is Day 1 of the Performance Nutrition Experience at Canyon Crossfit...the very thing that started this blog, enhanced my life, built friendships and changed the lives of so many people. I can hardly wait to be a part of this one. I am not participating as a competitor this time but rather as a cheerleader, partner, buddy, etc! I will be following the same structure as the newbies-30 days of Whole30 which is SUPER CLEAN EATING. Then 30 days of Paleo. I am setting performance goals for myself (those will be shared soon). And finally I will be sharing about my experience via this blog, Instagram, Facebook and just plain ole telling people face to face!

As far as what I have been doing after the last PNE in January 2012 (it ended March 2012)-I have continued my workouts at Canyon Crossfit and continued to see growth there. I have continued to eat Paleo and still feel so good. And basically I am living life...that includes good days and bad days in every area of life and I am so thankful for every day!

Tonight I was looking for a snack to share and this is what came to me...PS, I have no name for this so let's just call it-ENJOY!


1 Banana-sliced
1/4 cup blueberries
Sliced almonds
Coconut flakes
Enough Coconut milk to drizzle over all the above
Sprinkle cinnamon

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chicken Chile Colorado and Healthy Living

Have you figured out that I love to cook. It makes me happy to cook for people and see them enjoy it. I put a part of myself in the making of it too...part of my heart. Oh and yes, I am sentimental! I LOVE to see people be successful at what they do...I love to see the positive in any outcome...I love for people to dream...I love the PROCESS! And honestly that is what this all is...we are all in the process of discovering our journey and each destination along the way.

Healthy living encompasses that self discovery and this is a quote from A.W. Tozer, a pastor and theologian, he was a man that always seemed to hit the nail on the head.

“Rules for Self Discovery:
1. What we want most;
2. What we think about most;
3. How we use our money;
4. What we do with our leisure time;
5. The company we enjoy;
6. Who and what we admire;
7. What we laugh at.”

Just something to think about because honestly food is just one aspect of living a healthy life. =)

Now for the latest recipe...I have to say that I am making A LOT of things that are pretty spicy lately so if spicy isn't your "thing" well you need to let me know so I can try to shift my focus. Otherwise, I can try to give you some pointers to adjust the ingredients. BUT this is darn good! So if you like spicy, ENJOY!

Chicken Chile Colorado

2 lbs chicken tender/strips
1 onion-thinly sliced
1/2 red bell pepper-thinly sliced
1 pasilla chile pepper-thinly sliced
1 t dried oregano
1/2 t paprika
1/2 t chile powder
1/2 t garlic powder
1 bay leaf
2 small can El Pato tomato-
(Mexican Style)
Salt to taste

Layer 1/2 of the onion in the bottom of crock pot, place chicken tenders on top and add remaining onion and rest of ingredients. If you wanted to make it less spicy, you could use 2 cans of regular tomato sauce and use only half a pasilla chile.

Set crock pot to low heat and go on your merry way! Come back and dinner is ready!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Missing my Halle, Lemon Cauli-Rice Pilaf & Club 13

OK I forgot to mention the new Performance Nutrition Experience (PNE) is starting but actually it would have made for a REALLY long title and it was already too long! I am sooooo excited about this next PNE at Canyon Crossfit. I was able to sit in on one of the introduction seminars and share a little with some of the newbies...thank you Coach Andrew for asking me to help. Like I told them-the first PNE enhanced my life and was life changing for so many! Starts this Saturday!

Miss Halle is at Outdoor Ed and I MISS HER! She left on Monday and comes home Friday but WOW, so weird having her gone. I asked Zach if he missed her and he just noted that it was quieter! Oh I love that boy so much-says it like he sees it!

Club 13!!! Seriously this is going to be FUN! 13 movements created by our coaches with levels and goals to hit during the year. I made myself very happy today and I also almost threw up...I did the 500 m row in 1:57 and that was WAY better then my last time of 2:22 back in August! Woo Hoo! Yay! OK, thanks for indulging me and my excitement.

Now for the recipe! Almost 15 years ago I went to a cooking class before Easter and they made an super tasty rice I made it not only paleo but Whole30! And is was delish. I decided to serve it with shrimp (just had a craving for it) but it is PERFECT with salmon or your favorite fish. Enjoy....

Lemon Cauli-Rice Pilaf

3-4 cups cauliflower finely chopped in food processor
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 clove garlic-minced
1/2 onion-chopped
1/4 yellow bell pepper-chopped
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup fresh basil-thinly sliced
Salt to taste

Prepare cauliflower either in food processor or FINELY chop with knife.

Melt coconut oil in saute pan over medium heat. Add chopped onions, garlic and yellow pepper until onions are lightly brown. Make sure to not rush this because you don't want to burn the onions or the garlic. Add cauliflower and saute about 5 minutes. Finally, add lemon juice and pine nuts & cook for another 8 minutes. Just before serving add fresh basil& salt. Serve!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Gotta love the crockpot!

Kids went back to school today after 2 weeks off for Christmas and New the routine of getting lunches ready for the morning (I prepare most of it the night before), setting their alarm and mine for an earlier, less leisurely wake up time and having dinner planned in advance so we eat at a reasonable time. Breathe Heath, breathe! =) This is where the crockpot is a HUGE help. I can go to work and even get to Crossfit for a WOD and then come home and be Mom and wife. Today's WOD was Barbara BTW! That is my Mom's name but today I almost cursed that name and I almost threw up but thanks to my friend Ally who was working out next to me, we absolutely pushed thru it and I felt good about my time of 25:08! OK, enough about me and my day.

This recipe I shared during the Intro Cooking class that I taught at Canyon Crossfit but never put it on the blog so here you go! Enjoy! It's a good one. I serve it over sweet potato or yam with spinach. It is also great added into a scramble the next morning for a different twist on breakfast. As always let me know what you think, I won't be offended...I want to get better. Oh and as I am typing this is would be great with a Mexican flavored Cauli-rice-YUM!

Simple Chicken Salsa Verde
Whole30 & Paleo

3 lbs Chicken
1 t Salt
1 t Pepper
1 t Garlic Powder
2 t Cumin
1 Onion-sliced thin
1 Jalapeno-diced
1 Jar Salsa Verde from Trader Joe's

Place chicken in crockpot set to low heat. Add salt, pepper, cumin, garlic powder, sliced onion, jalapeno and Salsa Verde. Cover and let simmer 4-6 hours. When done shred chicken and enjoy.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Makin' It Paleo!

I can't believe it has been almost a year since I completely changed the way I eat and the way I cook. January 2012, Canyon Crossfit introduced me to Whole30 when I signed up for a Performance Nutrition Experience. To say that it was life changing stills seems like an understatement because I am still CHANGING and still LEARNING!

I won't bore you with my story again (it's all in the blog) but I will say that as time goes on I am feeling more comfortable and confident that this will be the way I eat the rest of my life. I love how I feel, I love how good the food tastes and I am continuing to have a blast trying recipes and creating ones myself. So, here is the latest...

After taking my 11 year old daughter and her friend horseback riding we went to a great spot near the Orange Circle called Bruxies for a late lunch. This is the first time I have been back since I went paleo and felt confident I could find something to eat and not miss the trademark that makes them special-a waffle as the bread. Well, I did find something but I did miss the trademark so I left knowing that was my challenge for tonight's dinner-MAKE A SAVORY PALEO WAFFLE! Thank goodness for other paleo people that have gone before me because I resourced several websites to get an idea where to start! And here is what I ended up with....absolute YUM! But I must give you one warning-the recipe below is spicy so if you are not good with too spicy, cut the hot stuff in half but don't change anything else. =)

Savory & Spicy Waffle Burgers

Hamburger Patties

2 lbs lean ground beef
1 lb ground pork
2 T raw honey
2 T hot sauce (I used Tabasco)
1 t cumin
1 t organic cayenne pepper
1/2 t red pepper flakes
1/2 t Italian herbs
Salt & Pepper
1/4 t garlic powder

Mix well with hands and form into patties. I was able to get 7 GOOD sized patties-you could easily get 8 if necessary. If you don't like things too spicy cut the cayenne, red pepper flakes & Tabasco in half. Grill. I like mine medium rare. The mix of sweet and spicy in the patty is so YUM!


6 large eggs
1/4 c canned coconut milk
1/3 c coconut flour (don't pack it in just scoop and lightly brush of excess with knife)
1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
2 T raw honey
1/4 t chili powder

Beat eggs until well blended. Add other ingredients and mix with electric mixer making sure there are no lumps. Pour into prepared waffle maker. I used a little more than 1/2 cup for each waffle and made 3 full Belgium waffles. I set my iron to medium high heat.


Saute 1/2 onion in ghee until light brown, add carton sliced mushrooms, salt & pepper to taste. I also added 1/2 t fish sauce but if you don't have it no worries-it just adds a nice flavor and BTW it is not a fishy taste. :) Top the burger with onion/mushroom mix and 1/2 an avocado sliced.

ENJOY!! And please let me know what you think after you try it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day & A Soup Kinda Day!


See ya 2012! It is a New Year and I am so excited to see what lies ahead! For those of you that don't know this about me, I am a PLANNER and don't be shocked when I tell you that I have planned so many things for the year already. Some are actual things that I plan to do with family and friends, some things are for work, and then there are the DREAMS...yes, I am a dreamer. More about my dreams for 2013 is about my plan to blog more regularly and post recipes to share with you and hopefully encourage you to try cooking in a different and healthier way. I hope I can be a resource and encouragement to you!
Today was the perfect day for soup and it's a good thing because I had a recipe that I had been creating in my mind and I needed to give it a try....IT WAS SO YUMMY! It went great with the Herb Bread from Multiply Delicious (this time I used fresh basil instead of rosemary).

Oh and Happy New Year to all of you! Thanks for being a part of my life!

Italian Meatball Soup
3 T fat (bacon fat or ghee would be best)
1 onion-cut in half and thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic-minced 
2 cans plum tomatoes
2 cartons chicken broth (Imagine brand has no sugar)
2 sweet potatoes-cubed
1 cup baby carrots-halved
1/4 fresh basil-chopped
1 t dried oregano
1 t Italian spices
8 oz fresh spinach
salt & pepper to taste
meatballs (see recipe below)
 Heat fat at medium heat. Add sliced onions and garlic and saute until slightly golden. Add tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes-breaking up tomatoes with back of spoon. Add broth, spices, sweet potatoes, carrots & meatballs-partially cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add spinach just before serving.
2 lbs ground beef (lean)
3 eggs
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 teaspoon of each
      sweet basil
      Italian spices
      garlic powder

Combine all ingredients and using hands mix. Form balls with meat mixture-size is up to you (I prefer larger meatballs) and drop in soup.