Sunday, February 26, 2012

Paleo, Crossfit & there a connection?

A super fun day...Sunday morning WOD with the peeps at Canyon Crossfit followed by a Paleo Brunch that my friends and I had planned to thank Ray, Rick & Andrew as well as the community of friends there that have been soooo GREAT!

The Tabata was followed by a brunch that would make Robb Wolf PROUD! All paleo and so very yummy...homemade salsa & guacamole with machaca & eggs, chorizo & eggs, omelets to order, sausage, sweet potato & apple hash, fresh fruit, coffee with coconut milk.....SO TASTY! We pretty much ran out of food but I don't think ANYONE went away hungry! We decorated and had kettle bell centerpieces to enhance the atmosphere! LOL A lot of FUN...Thank you Canyon Crossfit and all the Crossfitters for making working out SOOOO MUCH FUN...even when it HURTS!

Then for the Oscar party! A great way to spend the late afternoon & evening! =) I had to laugh when I realized that this morning the party/brunch was all about WOD gear, sweat & healthy eating...this evening was the perfect antithesis....glamour, BLING and cocktails! Our friends know how to host a WONDERFUL party...complete with a red carpet entrance and an ice sculpture of Oscar!

The connection you ask? As I was watching the Academy Awards a few came to mind...
  • Friends make the moments and memories that I cherish!
  • Crossfit is a place that dreams and goals come to life for people and I get choked up every year, when I hear people accept their Oscar and recall their dreams and goals that are NOW a reality!
  • Set your mind to something and work at it and you can make it happen. (So many people are achieving their goals at Canyon!)
  • It feels so good to be encouraged by your peers.
Night all...sweet dreams!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I have learned from Zachary...

Let me begin by saying that I talked to Zachary last week and asked him if it would be OK for me to share about him and some of his story thus far and he said, "Ya, no problem. I am fine with you writing about that." =)

When the Performance Nutrition Experience began, I made one of my goals to do a pull up. Coach Ray had taught me some drills to do to help me get the "kipping" movement learned and one day when I was practicing Alisha came by to help and encourage me. She told me to imagine someone was going to punch me in the gut. That would help me "respond" like I should. Funny but I immediately went to a day that I felt like someone literally "punched" me in my gut and how I responded.

September 1999, months of "Mommy-concerns" and testing brought us the news that no parent wants to hear, "Mr & Mrs Francine, we believe that Zachary is showing several characteristics that would place him on the Autistic Spectrum." PUNCH! It wasn't a total surprise actually, I had self-referred us to the Regional Center of OC after our pediatrician had dismissed my concerns and told me to put him in preschool and said that he was a boy and boys develop later socially. But, I knew in my gut that we had issues that needed to be addressed. This is when the learning began...and I will be honest and tell you that I continue to learn from Zachary today. =)

Zach was enrolled in an early intervention program called ICEC (Intervention Center for Early Childhood) that included speech & occupational therapy along with a focus on learning social skills in a preschool setting with "typical" kids as peer models. And I went into learning mode too...reading articles, books, calling on friends that had educational backgrounds that could provide direction. The learning gave me a sense of peace and also strength.

I could spend days telling you all the details but this is a Blog and it needs to be brief. The bottom line is that Zach immediately showed his strength and his ability to learn...he was pushed beyond his comfort zone and by doing so, he was growing. I learned that even as an adult, I need to allow others to push me beyond my comfort zone and I will grow too. We looked at Zach's diet and removed all gluten and casein to see if there were notable differences in his behavior and ability to learn and adapt. I learned that food affects the body and the brain. And I also learned that removing food can be difficult at first, it gets easier. AND I learned that a lot of people don't believe either of these things. Zach was learning about his body and becoming aware of his abilities. He was learning to re-train his brain to accept certain motions, touches, noises, etc. I learned that "can't" and "never" are unacceptable words and that everybody is capable of learning at any stage of life.

Today is Zachary's 15th birthday and he is an INCREDIBLE young man. Since that day in 1999, many things have changed...medical professionals have said the Autistic Spectrum is more broad and includes Autism (the most severe) all the way to ADD/ADHD (the most mild) under the same umbrella. Zach is my ADD boy. He is smart (Honors student), funny, friendly, loving, talkative (LOUD, too!), sensitive, thoughtful, gives good hugs and cares deeply. Together we continue to learn what works and what doesn't...meds, sleep, diet, exercise. I am thankful that God trusted me with this young man...I have learned so much from him and I have been blessed in the process.

So actually, maybe this is my second Performance Nutrition Experience! =) Still working on getting a pull up but I WILL DO IT and I have Zachary to thank for it!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running with gratitude...


the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful
Gratitude is truly what I feel when I run. It is the emotion that I feel at just about any given time. I am grateful and thankful for so many things...
For my family-Sky, Zach & Halle...They are my CHEERLEADERS & make every day worth it!
For my Dad because he ran when I was young and eventually I thought, "Hey, I can do that too!"For Jesus...
For my Mom because she taught me to TRY!
For the REST of my family...EACH of you have impacted me & I take you with me each time I hit the road.
For the mere fact that I can!
For the scenery that I am enjoying wherever I run...
For the songs that come on my iPod
For my health
For the time to just let my thoughts & ideas happen as they may...
For my treasured friends-past & present...people inspire me!
For challenges...they make me stronger!
For memories...some that make me laugh, others that make me cry but ALL of them are what makes ME!
For yesterday, today & tomorrow...
Tomorrow is my 4th Half Marathon..this one is the Pasadena Rock N Roll...I am truly full of GRATITUDE!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Whole30 is for Whole9

First of all...I did weigh myself on Day 31 at Crossfit but the calibrator wasn't available to check my BMI. That being said, I will wait to get the complete results from the 1st half of the challenge before I report them. =)

Yes, the Whole30 is complete! What next? The Performance Nutrition Experience is 60 days, so for the rest of the PNE I will focus on what they refer to as Whole9. Funny thing is...I feel as if I have been doing that this entire time! I am able to begin reintroducing foods in a methodical fashion but I am waiting until after this Sunday to start because I am running the Pasadena Rock & Roll Half Marathon and don't want to mess up my system. More on "clean" eating and paleo in another much to share here...

We are encouraged to consider 9 factors of life and to "triage" them so we know what we need to focus on in our life. Here are the 9 areas...

Stress Management
Active Recovery
Injury Rehab
Fun & Play
Personal Growth

I love the focus on the complete person! As I looked at the 9 areas I saw areas of strength and other areas where I can grow. =) So friends...hold me accountable to getting enough SLEEP! This will help with my TEMPERANCE as well as STRESS MANAGEMENT! Funny how all these things are connected! LOL I definitely believe that I need all 9 in my life and balance in each area is critical.

You have permission to ask me about these 3 areas and any other that you feel like I am neglecting. I love having all of you in my life and your insight and encouragement are GREAT!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 30 tomorrow? Really? What's next?

Tomorrow marks day 30 of the 60 day Performance Nutrition Experience! And I continue to learn so much and grow more committed to a style of eating that is in my opinion, a way of living that is better for me and better for my family. I continue to add to what I am preparing for Schuyler and I, to dinner for the kids and the reason I am doing it is because I believe in the "process" and I want them to embrace it in their time and not resent it. Because as I mentioned before and a blog that I read earlier is about being healthy and health when it comes to food is also very mental.

So what is my plan for tomorrow...well honestly tomorrow is just another day. And the day after is too. =) And as far as what I am planning for the next 30 days of the PNE...this Sunday I am running the Inaugural Pasadena Rock N Roll Half Marathon so I won't be making any changes or additions to my diet until after that. I have been very "clean" these last 30 days and I don't want to mess with my system before the race. That being said, there will be no carbo-load the night before. Not a problem because I see a difference in my performance and have no doubt I will have a great run. I haven't ran as much as I have before to prepare so I will be interested to see if I run a time better than my PR at Long Beach Half Marathon which was just under 2:14.

Nutrition-I spent time last night and today reading different blogs that Andrew sent regarding "Life after Whole30 & Transitioning to Whole9" and I feel good about it. I think I am in a good place, not anxious to be off the strict diet but looking forward to integrating what I have learned and seeing what my body "tells" me when I re-introduce foods methodically. As to when that will start...not totally sure yet but I am sure I will let you know. =)

Performance-Of course the half marathon is almost here and I LOVE the run! I have enjoyed a few PR's at Crossfit these past 29 days and I have met one of my performance goals to learn the handstand
push-up...SO FUN! I will continue to work on the pull-up as another goal that I made for myself at the beginning. And as of this past Saturday, I added working on my overhead squat with a goal to hit 55# with solid form and technique!

Thanks for joining me on this journey...still enjoying it and so VERY THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT & ENCOURAGEMENT!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Developing BALANCE in ALL areas...

For anyone that knows me well, you can attest that I am not one that is known for balance when it comes to coordination. I am a self proclaimed clutz and it has been confirmed with my actions over the years. I have been known to walk into walls, trip while walking & break my wrist or sprain an ankle. BUT...I won't let myself say "can't" or "won't"! Instead, I watch how something is done and then literally close my eyes and "see" myself doing it OVER and OVER again. And the funny thing is, I found out that you can actually "trick" your brain and body into thinking it actually did what you saw yourself doing in your brain...serious, its a fact! =) So that was my plan with the handstand and then the handstand push-up....see it and then do it! The handstand came a few weeks ago, the first handstand push-up kind of came last Saturday and today the WOD had them in it repeatedly! So....I DID IT! =) 27 of them total over the course of it and I am so HAPPY! Balance achieved!

Then there are the other areas of, church and my relationship w God, time w/ friends, work, volunteering, maintaining a home, time alone, working out/running...the list is llllooonnnngggg! And achieving balance here can be challenging. Because closing your eyes is not typically going to make it all fact closing my eyes and seeing something that isn't real in these areas of life is actually denial! LOL Over the years, I have learned that I need to keep myself in check DAILY. Now in all honesty that doesn't mean that I am balanced. All that it means is that I am trying. =) Like everything in life, some days are easier than others and some days are better than others. I literally look at my week and try to adjust and plan; ask myself if there it too much in one area that is taking away from that goal.

You know the feeling....too much work and your workouts/running slip away....too much volunteering and your family & friends suffer...too much of ANYTHING and God just gets what is left. do I do it all? Because I want to...LOL! Honestly, I can't do it all everyday and I know that, so I just need to allow myself to make choices and allow myself grace.

I am thankful for the 2 WODS I was able to fit in this week, I am thankful for the Whole30 meals with the family all at the table, I am thankful for the calls, emails and quick connections with friends, I am thankful for the time alone in my car so I can sing and pray, I am thankful for the appointments, leases and contracts that all happened this week @ work, heck I am thankful for all the laundry I did...BALANCE ACHIEVED!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In My Daughter's Eyes...

Halle is my 10 year old daughter (she will be 11 in March). She is my youngest and for those that know Halle, you know she is actually a 20 year old trapped in a 10 year old body, right? =) In all seriousness, Halle has been described as a "old soul." She is a mini-me and from the time she was an infant, I knew is something that I have embraced but because I know ME, it has also made me nervous at times. She looks like her Daddy but her personality is so me!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GIRL!

All that being said...being an example to her is important to me. As early as I can remember I have tried to NOT focus on food & weight with her...just healthy. She is a dancer (in fact she is doing a dance at her recital to the song "In My Daughter's Eyes" by Martina McBride...yep I tear up when I hear the song and see her dance), she is actually pretty athletic too. She likes Crossfit and will ask to come with me sometimes to even try a WOD. I think she "gets" that exercise & being active is important. This all sounds wonderful right? So far, so good but we know that health isn't just about is about healthy eating too. And this is where the struggle lies...

As soon as Halle hit her "first adolescence" (this is what I heard the age from 2-4 yrs old called once and it makes so much sense to me!) she began to use food as her control. She is EXTREMELY picky eater and does not eat ANY fruit or veggies. NONE. She lives off of protein, cheese and various grains. Here is where I struggle feeling like I have failed...failed as a Mom. Remember how I said I never wanted food to be a battle? But that is what it is with her...a battle, when I engage. There have been tears, punishments, more tears....heck, there have been occasions when she gags on the fruit or veggies I insist she eats and well...then there is a mess to clean. = (  Poor lil thing!

The Performance Nutrition Experience is stretching me as a person, it continues to challenge me as an athlete and it is also working on me as a MOM! I still don't have the answers as to how to help Halle change her eating habits but I can only hope that as I continue to grow through this myself and as I share with her what I am learning just in conversation not preaching, that she will look at me and see a positive example. She is very interested in this and is SOOOOO encouraging! My own health is important, but the health of my children is important to me effects my heart. I want them to be emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy.

I know my little girl looks up to me and looks to me for direction and affirmation...I hope I am setting an example for her in this journey that makes a positive impact on her health and her choices for life. =)

Oh and make no mistake...I am certain this is a GOOD thing for us all and I am SOOOOO happy with what is happening in my life as well as everyone else!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Friends+Accountability=SUPER Bowl!!!

Life has been so busy this past week and I have to admit I have missed "blogging" and just processing this experience.

Few things to report in the Performance Realm...PR'ed my 1 mile time and plan to do it again before the 60 days are over. Ran the 800 today and was pretty happy with that time too...nothing to PR until today so I am making it a goal to do better than the 3:33 that I did today. Worked on my handstand and my handstand push ups on Saturday with Denise and I think I pretty much got it, so now I want to perfect the movement and see what I can do as far as repetitions go. And then there is the pull up...still working on it and I definitely feel stronger and see the progress. :) The push up exercises that we were given is helping with my strength-I WILL GET THERE. :)

Ok, Sunday was Super Bowl and as my husband says, "It is a national holiday" and with all holidays comes FOOD...lots of it. And DRINKS...lots of them. So, like my title stated...I took friends and added accountability and that equalled a SUPER Bowl! Was it easy? In some ways yes, in some ways no. Did I make it through without cheating? YES MA' AM and YES SIR! Heck, I even made an appetizer that was a Whole30 "no-no" because the Host requested it...but I didn't have even a taste. Instead I enjoyed the Ceviche that I made, the Grilled Wings w Sunshine Sauce that Jim and Sari made along with Jim's yummy Guacamole with veggies for dipping and Tri-Tip Wrapped Asparagus prepared by Drew & Jen-ALL great and then thanks to Denise, I remembered to bring some Perrier and enjoyed it in a wine glass with a squeeze of lime and lemon. A success because of people....they encourage, they tease & taunt (if you are like me, this makes my resolve stronger), and they are just "there." Yes, it was a FUN day.

8 days left in the first 30 days (60 total) of what I refer to as "detox time" and although I am looking forward to a less strict dietary routine for the last 30, I can say without a doubt I am very happy with how I am feeling and have learned that I can continue to make choices daily that are healthier and some things may never come back into what I eat. Again, honesty is important in all this-I WILL DRINK WINE AGAIN! :) LOL

Before I say good night, I have to say again, how impressed I am with everybody that is doing this @ Canyon Crossfit. Funny, because some people I see on Facebook but have yet to meet at Crossfit! :) Can't wait to congratulate them in person at the celebration party when we are done.

My encouragement to everyone-stay focused on the goal-YOUR HEALTH! Sure, it is fun to possibly "win" but ultimately we are all winners because we have committed to making changes that we know are working to our benefit. YAY US!