Monday, February 6, 2017

Who is TED and why is he talking so much?

Have you heard of TED Talks? Honestly I have known "about" them for several years and never took the time to actually investigate them or listen to any up until recently? After listening to 2 TED talks back to back and LOVING it, I then had 2 questions...1) What does TED stand for in TED Talks AND 2) Why in the WORLD did I wait so long to utilize this platform that provides resources and information that get my mind out of the social media vortex and into learning and thinking that can make a difference in my life?

This should be no shock to anyone but when I have a question, I typically want a answer immediately! Here is what I found out...

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TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.

1984?? Seriously, this has been around since before I graduated from High School and obviously it took on a whole new identity when technology advanced and it became an Internet staple for people everywhere! Did you catch the part about it being in more than 100 languages? For the love...I am late to the party for sure and yet after this morning I am hooked and I couldn't wait to share! 

    Eduardo Briceno TED Talk

Honestly there is so much to learn and what a great lesson when I was reminded that having a growth mindset is where I want to be...I want to be in a place where improvement comes and is a part of the process, it is a part of the fact the failures are necessary as long as I see where I can improve and not look to "blame" others or extenuating circumstances. So why did I wait? My honest answer is that I didn't know the value and I let "busyness" take over and be the excuse for not looking into it.

Good news I know and now I have a goal to listen to one TED Talk a day and so far I have listened to talks on Love, Statistics, Politics and each one have been fantastic! I am hooked and heck, maybe someday I will be asked to talk for TED...wouldn't that be AMAZING??!!

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