Wednesday, January 18, 2017

To Climb Every Mountain...

I will be honest, I love the movie "The Sound of Music" and have memories watching it most of my life but I have never enjoyed the song "Climb Every Mountain" that is sung by the Mother Abbess (Mother Superior) to Maria at the Abbey. I never appreciated it for what it was I suppose...until recently. 

Maria had run back to the Abbey away from Captain Von Trapp because her heart was screaming at her to listen. She was more comfortable seeking refuge behind the walls of the Abbey...there she would not have to face what she was running from, she would not have to face the world that would surely bring pain & turmoil and yet also, so much joy! But the Abbey was were God placed a person that was always trying to discern God's voice. Mother Superior was comfortable in taking the time to sit and just listen and when she did, she found His direction for herself and others. Hence the song from a woman that seemingly had very little "experience" with the world but because she took time to be quiet and sit with God and listen she had wisdom that surpassed most people's understanding. 

Climb every mountain
Search high and low
Follow every byway
Every path you know

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live

Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

I am in a stage where I believe that God is telling me that I am going to have a period of time where I will be learning to listen myself. I see people that are placed in my life that are better at it then I am and I look to them for guidance, for their example. I haven't exactly found where my "Abbey" is but finding that place of refuge where quiet contemplative thoughts are able to take place is a HUGE desire of mine. So much so, that I am trying to figure out a way to have one day each month that I can just sit and listen to God's heart. No phone (Yikes!), no iPad, no computer....just me, my Bible, my journal and God. That means taking a day off work, away from home and going somewhere like the beach, right? 

I am not running into hiding like Maria did but as I come upon life's next "mountain" (and there is always one coming), I am trying to listen to God's call for me and the words in the song are very much where I believe my heart needs to be, where I need to be focused. I am a dreamer and where He leads me, my heart will follow there also. Knowing that each climb I will be sustained by His grace.

The biggest challenge in all this is two-fold...1) following thru on finding a day each month to do this and 2) not filling that day with errands and life's to-do list once I get it! So, you my friends can hold me accountable and ask me if I am working towards finding my time. I won't mind if you ask...I will most likely thank you later! XO

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