Thursday, March 7, 2013

Life is FULL!

I just need to write tonight. Maybe it will help me to get ALL these thoughts out...I give you permission to close this blog immediately OR scroll to the bottom to find the recipe OR read it and get a closer glimpse into me. Your choice and I won't judge! I appreciate you regardless! =)

Hmmmm where to begin. Well let's start with how thankful I am to have participated with Renita, Ally, Kristin, Mayra and Jill in the Femme Royale All Women competition at Orange Coast Crossfit! My thoughts & emotions are still processing in my was hard, it was exciting, it was like nothing I have ever experienced before! I loved the time working up to it (even though I was nervous), the community that I competed with & against (Andrea Ager & Maddy Curley-seriously they are in a class all their own), the friends and family that came to support (too many to name but a big thanks to my Mom for coming-her first Crossfit experience), our coach Andrew for being in every moment with us (Alisha was AMAZING, too!), the vendors (this girl LOVES to shop)...yep it was a very good day! What did I learn? I learned that working on form is so important so that it is natural even in a competition-this will save me from injury and also help me perform at my peak...I learned that focus is key-especially during those darn double unders...I learned NOT to use my head or neck to assist in a ground to overhead lift (my coach Andrew said he had never seen anything like it and that wasn't a compliment, LOL)...I learned that I can compete-Renita & I were the oldest team competing and we tied for 20th out of 23, HECK YES!...And finally I was reminded that "I can do ALL things through Him who strengthens me"-Philippians 4:13-thanks Merisa & For Him Gear! Finally, the Crossfit Open started today...I take on13.1 this Saturday-I am excited & nervous. =)

So much going on at home too! Zach turned 16 last month, he got his first job at Porky's Pizza in Placentia, got a new football coach and every day he comes home with exciting news about weight lifting, play books and drills. We are also working through some challenges with homework and although that is HARD on both of us, I am confident we are on a path that will ultimately lead to success but there is likely to still be some pain along the way. Thankful for great teachers, even better doctors and support from family and friends. As I write we are experiencing our second all-nighter in 2 weeks to complete homework and late assignments. BUT again, here I am reminded of Philippians 4:13 for the both of us! I see a theme developing!

OK now for work-I am encouraged EVERY DAY with new opportunities with clients! So thankful for these provisions. Yes, the deals still take longer BUT the market continues to improve, I continue to learn, the division continues to grow and we continue to work hard and yes, Philippians 4:13 is true here also. OK great thing about being up late is the chance to watch Friends re-runs! Oh my gosh that show makes me laugh! Reminds me of when we lived in Chicago and every week we had Must See Thursday! Good memories!

Thanks for "listening" now for the recipe. When I first did Whole30 last January, I tried the Firecracker Tuna Salad Recipe from The Clothes Make the Girl and YUM! This is a regular staple for me during the FULL times in life! So over the course of the past year, I have played with the recipe and added a few things for variety and here it is thanks to Melissa Joulwan and her amazing recipe (with a few additions to make it from me too). I serve this over mixed greens or spinach with sliced mangoes (the sweet and spicy together are so good).
Firecracker Tuna Salad
Serves 2 | Prep 10 min.
1/2 to 1 large jalapeno pepper, finely minced
1/2 English cucumber seeded and chopped
4 scallions, green & white, sliced thin
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard powder
3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon red wine vinegar
2 cans tuna
salt & black pepper, to taste
2-3 tablespoons homemade mayo

1. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the jalapenos, scallions, mustard powder, Aleppo pepper, cayenne, vinegar, and tuna. Mix well with a fork, breaking up any large clumps of tuna. Taste for seasoning.
2. With a rubber spatula, gently fold in the mayo so the salad becomes creamy, but the mayo doesn’t devolve into its component parts.
3. Pile on a plate with raw veggies — I like cucumber slices, jicama sticks, green pepper strips, and carrots because they’re cool and sweet in contrast to the spicy tuna.

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