Thursday, February 14, 2013

5 Love Languages & of course, a recipe

So today was Valentine's Day and I thought I would share a little bit about a book I read 20 years ago...The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. First, I have to tell you that I think it is a must read for everyone! I will not do it justice in this blog, so please read it! Even if you aren't in a relationship with the opposite sex, the principles are good for ALL relationships-friends, family, etc.

Essentially, you understand that every person has a Love Tank and that tank is "filled" by receiving love in 5 different ways...

1) Acts of Service
2) Words of Affirmation
3) Quality Time
4) Gifts
5) Physical Touch

But wait! We all have dominate Love Languages-ones that fill the tank more. And it then makes sense that the way we feel loved best is the way we show love! Now it gets tricky...what if your Love Language is different than your main squeeze, your friend, your family member or your child? We are encouraged to learn to appreciate each person's dominate language or languages (yes most have 2) and commit to showing love the way that fills their tank-yep, this takes takes understanding...and at times it is HARD! Any guesses on what my Love Language is?

As for me; my husband, my son and my daughter all have DIFFERENT dominate Love Languages but looking at the bright side, I can do almost anything and SOMEONE will feel loved. Ha, seriously though I love getting to know a person well enough to understand their heart and have a chance to help "fill their tank." In fact, I can honestly say I am passionate about it.

Here is the website to check it out more if you are intrigued.

Now for the food... that is what you wanted right? This one came from the She is a great resource and I am not at all good at creating the dessert recipes so I look to the experts! I am dying to make her Strawberry and Coconut Macaroons this weekend.  To keep with the love theme and let's face it chocolate says love; the recipe I made was her Double Chocolate Cupcakes with Raspberry Frosting...they are Paleo, they are EASY and they were GOOD! You could even just eat the cupcake as a chocolate muffin with coffee.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feb 10th is Chinese New Year-Beef Stir Fry!

I love celebrations! I love parties and I am always looking for a reason to make something a party! =) So you now have a reason to make Chinese New Year a PAR-TAY! Oh, by the way...this is the year of the snake!

Last Saturday I made Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry-it was sooo tasty. I can't take total credit for the recipe though. I found it on and then made some modifications. is one of those consistent chefs that has great recipes and her Ginger Beef Stir Fry inspired my Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry below.

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry

2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 pounds thinly sliced steak-I used Carne Asada meat
3 cloves crushed garlic
2 tablespoons sesame oil
3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon finely ground black pepper
1 large head of broccoli
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
1 pound mushrooms, sliced
In a large mixing bowl mix the sliced beef with all of the marinade ingredients, coating all pieces of the beef with the marinade. Let the beef marinate for at least one hour but overnight in the fridge will give the meat the most flavor. In a wok or large skillet, heat the coconut oil. Add the onions and cook until they start to become tender. Add the broccoli and saute for another 3 minutes then add mushrooms and saute 3 more minutes.  Add the beef and the marinade and saute for 4-5 minutes or until the meat is cooked through but still tender. Serve with a few more splashes of sesame oil on top & red pepper flakes for that extra kick that I LOVE!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Whole30 & Crossfit reversed my diagnosis of osteopenia

Heck yes! Crossfit & Whole30 VICTORY!

I guess the best place to start is March 31st 2010. I was with a group of friends at church directing a skit. I got up to show them what I was thinking in terms of blocking for a certain part of the skit and...well, I am a self admitted klutz and I tripped over my purse, fell backwards, catching myself with my right hand and POP! I felt something and heard something that I knew was UGLY. Here is what I saw when I looked at my wright hand...

At the time I was 39 years old. I was considered healthy. I ran several times a week and was training to run my first half marathon that June. My doctor was surprised that I had such a severe break based on all this information. I had surgery the next day and live w 1 plate  and 6-8 screws in my wrist. NOTE: I WAS NOT A CROSSFITTER YET! I had several friends that did Xfit at Canyon Crossfit and I was definitely intrigued by it but had not taken the leap yet.

My doctor prescribed a Dexascan (bone density test) because he thought there might be a concern there. The results came back and I was diagnosed with Osteopenia. The doctor explained that this was pre-osteoporosis and that we could begin to treat it with vitamin supplements that included extra calcium as well as a multi-vitamin. He said to keep running and being active but suggested that the osteopenia could possibly get worse over time but hopefully with the supplements as well as continuing to stay active and run, we could slow down the process.

So, there I was...39 years old, I ate well (or so I thought) and I got regular exercise (cardio-only). I guess this was just going to be "my thing." I mean, we all have a thing right? And being that I was a positive person and I did what I was told, I stayed the course he prescribed and moved forward.

Fast forward to June 2011, I was able to join Canyon Crossfit! Loved it immediately! By that point I had just ran my first full marathon that February. I had ran another half and was signed up for 2 more in the coming months. Running was a place I could sort of getaway-getaway from the hustle of the day,  get time alone with God to pray, praise and worship w the songs on my iPod and when I ran I was always smiling. I was also still taking my handful of vitamins.

Then came the introduction to Whole30 in January 2012 and with that MANY changes. Whole30 said don't take vitamins or supplements (the food you would eat would give you plenty), remove dairy from your diet (the food would provide plenty of calcium, also) there I was committed to trying this and I am so thankful that I did. I completed my first Whole30 (actually went 45 days) and then remained eating a very clean paleo from that point on. AND I NEVER WENT BACK TO TAKING THE VITAMINS OR SUPPLEMENTS!

Several months later when the book "It Starts With Food" was released I read that Whole30 has reversed numerous health issues...INCLUDING OSTEOPENIA! I wondered...could I have those results? I wanted to know...I asked my doctor if he would order me a follow up Dexascan to see if the osteopenia had progressed and last Saturday I went in to have it done. Later that week, the call came..."Your Dexascan is normal, there is no osteopenia!" HECK YES!

I like to say that Crossfit and Whole30 have enhanced my life and in this case they have changed it!