Thursday, March 19, 2015

Imaginary Friends...And Friends That Are Real

When I was little, I think 2 or 3 years old, I used to have imaginary friends...several as a matter of fact. Does that surprise you? I have always been incredibly social and being a "dreamer" is at the core of who I am, so I created these friends. Their names were Sha-Sha, Shee-Shee, Lo-Lo and ready...Linda Price. Clearly my creativity had it limits even then. 

In order to give you a more clear picture of who they were and how we interacted, it may help to know that the first 3 "friends," I "played" with and Linda Price was our "babysitter." Our adventures included travel, house and school. We had great times together. 

Now before you all start looking at me differently, you can rest assured that my Mom found that imaginary playmates are very normal at that age and there’s no evidence that children with imaginary friends lack social skills or have emotional problems. Children with imaginary friends can be more social and less shy, and show more empathy in their play with other children. And within the normal period of time, I moved on but I never forgot the fun I had with those "playmates" nor did I forget their unique names.

Like these "friends" from my early years, I have had friends come into my life and transition out over the years but each one has left a mark. Many of them I miss...I actually envy people that have friends from their childhood. People that have shared history, memories, laughs and tears that can be shared with a glance and no words are necessary after that. My Mom has a friend that she has known since she was 8 and although miles separate them, they still talk basically every day and can disagree and yet the friendship remains STRONG! My daughter, Halle is 14 this weekend and she has a few friends that she has had in her life since the day she was born. Last night she was with 2 of them at Class of 2019 Parent/Student Night at their soon to be high school...just watching them together and hearing them laugh and share more moments made my heart smile. 

And then I look to the friends in my life; friends that I am closer to now and ones from other stages of life. Each one I am so thankful for and I cherish how they have impacted me. 

My childhood friend, Teri is now living in Oklahoma, others from Junior High and High School-some are local and others have moved to various states. Then there are friends from my early adult years-friends from Wheaton that were like family when I lived away. We celebrated holidays, learned to cook together, practiced hospitality in our tiny apartments-those simple memories formed me.

Moving back to CA, I met women in MOPS and at church that although we are busier with our older kids, are still the women that I turn to when I need advice, prayer, encouragement or just to feel connected. We always make time for each other and even though the time is limited I treasure these women (OK and some of their husbands are pretty special too!) We continue on a ride called "parenting" and it is a roller coaster at times!! Then there are people at church that have made lasting impressions...there are very few days that go by that I don't recall advice they have given me or remember a moment we shared...and even some of these people have moved or life's direction has us not interacting as regularly but again...I am GRATEFUL!

Most recently, I have met a group of people that have added new joy and laughter to my life. People that have taught me life lessons, challenged me to learn more, change habits and once again the memories have impacted me. As I write this, there are changes happening that will certainly impact the amount of time we connect and yet I am not worried, sad at times yes but not worried. It just takes effort...I know this...I have been here before!

What I realized recently is that the friends over the years are all connected...and although most of them have never met each other, they are real...they are not imaginary and they are seen in who I am today...they have made impressions that last. I didn't create them, they are created by God and we were intended to meet and I am a better person because of  them. 

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